Chameleon is a small and successful singles group that has been running since 2002 and is now celebrating its 21st year. Our members predominately come from the High Wycombe area but we welcome members to our events all over South Bucks. The group is not a dating service but offers a chance to meet with like minded people in a friendly and informal atmosphere. Membership is open to all singles 40 - 60's and costs £15 per year. The fee covers administration and publicity costs only.

For information on the group contact Terrie on 01494 - 445816 or Trevor on 07879 332975. You can also e-mail us at We look forward to welcoming you to Chameleon where there are no strangers, just new friends to be made.


Website last Updated 08-02-25

01494 463107

68 Windsor Drive
High Wycombe
HP13 6BL