The Clevedon and District Archaeological Society was founded in the 1920s with the aim of promoting local amateur archaeological interest and learning. It provides a Winter Programme of evening talks, a Spring Archaeology Course (subject to demand), a five-day Summer Study Tour, arranges various day trips to places of interest and disseminates information received from other local and regional archaeological groups.
The Society is affilited to the Council of British Archaeology (CBA), South West Region, Avon Local History Association (AHLA), Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society (SAHNS) and the British Association of Local History (BALH). The CLEAT (Clevedon & Environs Archaeology Team) engages in field archaeological projects in the local area - see "links" page.
Our society's logo is the terminal of "the Clevedon Torc", catalogued at the British Museum.
Meetings will be held in the Main Hall, St Andrews Church Centre, Old Church Road - turning left just before the church car park and the entrance is on the left.
Contact Information
Main Hall
St. Andrews Church
Old Church Road
North Somerset
BS21 7UE