Broxtowe Community Projects is a local community charity (number:1195969) and we believe in No Poverty and Zero Hunger especially when people are facing harsh financial difficulties like being made redundant, or diagnosed with a serious illness. We rely on public donations and grants to fund our work. We rely on over 100 trained volunteers who come to help local people struggling with poverty, lack of support and the constant worries and mental health problems this brings. If you would like to join our volunteers collecting and redistributing food, or raising funds for us locally e.g. cake sales, office fun runs, or any other ideas please contact us, we would love to hear from you. 

We run several projects including a self-referral food, baby, personal hygiene and pet food bank, because we know from helping over 1000 households in Broxtowe since we started, that it takes 80% of our members around 3 months to get back on their feet again. We run 3 Warm Banks across Broxtowe each Winter to keep people warm who can't afford to heat their homes. We are members of FareShare and we are supported by the main supermarkets which donate 'good-to-eat' food to our foodbank; we use some of this food to teach cooking to local people and they prepare 'community social meals' where children and adults can have a hot meal and pay 'what they can', or nothing if they can't afford it. Because when people can't afford to eat and skip meals it causes them mental and physical health problems. We are privileged to help local parents who cannot remember 'the last time they had a proper hot meal'. We run organised activities to give families quality time together to rebuild relationships and forget, just for a short time, the financial problems that effect every decision they make, every day.  

Contact Information

Ellie Winfield


32 High Road
Chilwell, Beeston