Various spellings through the ages
The village name has always sounded the same but had many different spelling variations, the earliest dates that we have found are recorded below. Originally in Old Norse it probably meant something like this is 'Bondi's farmstead or village'
Year Spelling
1086 Bundebi
1086 Bodebi
1115 Bondebi
1200 Bondeby
1228 Bundeby
1294 Bondby
1316 Bondeby juxta Wolfrikby
1366 Bondeby “by” Worliby
1383 Bonby
1451 Bondby alias Bondeby
1474 Boundeby
1461 Bondeby alias Bondby
1526 Bonbe
1536 Bondbye
1545 Bowndbye
1553 Bonbye
1562 Bonbie
1577 Bondbey
1580 Bondbie
1827 Bonby otherwise Bondby