The Worship Team

      Rev Caren Topley  Vicar

Rev Caren has been the vicar for the Benefice since September 2016 when the benefice consisted of the two parishes of Southill and Clifton. Haynes was added to the benefice in 2021.

To contact Rev Caron Tel 01462  615499


       Robin Welsford    Reader

  Robin has been a reader for many years and is a well known member of the team



  Ryan Parker  Lay Leader of Worship


  Kathy Blackmore  Lay Leader of Worship


      Liz McCartney  Lay Leader of Worship



Additional roles supporting the work of the Worship Team

Churchwarden            Nico Rodenburg                  Tel  01462 811927

Organist                       Peter Twitchin                     Tel  01767 316363

Tower Captain             Colin McCartney                 Tel  01767 314669

PCC Secretary            Liz McCartney                    Tel  01767 314669

Treasurer                    Maureen Strutt                    Tel  01767 318117

OUTLOOK Editor       Edgar Hulström                  Tel  01767 769360 

Safeguarding Officer  Jane Cooper                      Tel  01462 814610

Sacristan                   Trent and Dawson Tuck       Tel  07710 787390

Verger                        Nico Rodenburg                Tel  1462 811927

Webmaster                Colin McCartney                Tel  01767 314669