Our Looking

What progress have you made with the Goals from your previous MAP, and what do you want to celebrate?

  • ·         The Navigation Bible Study Group has been established and developing those who are enquiring about the Christian faith.
  • ·         The Tuesday afternoon Teas meets every week and provides fellowship for those who live on their own.
  • ·         There has been another successful Pilgrim Course and better understanding of the Eucharist.

What Goals did you set where you saw less progress than you would have liked?

  • ·         Families have moved away due to work and this has resulted in less children of the right age to attend our Sunday school.
  • ·         We have young people in the church and we are seeking ways to develop their faith. 

Things seen about our local community

  • ·         There is a degree of loneliness and social isolation among older people who live on their own.
  • ·         The villages are spread out with which makes community building more difficult.
  •        There is more potential to engage with the local school   

How have you begun to engage with these concerns / needs / issues?

  • ·         Two teenagers have been baptised.
  • ·          5th Sunday services have strengthened links with the other church in the Benefice.
  • ·         We have supported Messy Church with our other church in the Benefice to provide fellowship for our younger families.

Our Discerning

Vision (for five years' time)

That the Church will be seen as the centre of our villages to welcome, support and serve the needs of the community.

Current Situation

From our Parish Statistics for Mission, we see that we are / have...

a congregation that maintains a regular attendance. There has been a slight change in the age profile and some people no longer attend every week due to family commitments.

Priorities (for the next five years)

  • ·         Going deeper into God – Teaching, learning, discipleship
  • ·         Making new disciples – Relevant worship
  • ·         Transforming communities – Meeting Community needs