The Friends of All Saints, Southill - Charity Number 1200699

Become a FRIEND of All Saints Southill, share in its proud tradition and help to ensure its continuing well-being into the next millennium. Visit the Friends website for up-to-date information:

The friends of All Saints Southill were formed in 2007 and was managed by a committee of eight, under the chairmanship of Alan Dover.

On 5th June 2022, the organisation was registered with the Charity Commission. The Charity is established for the benefit of the public to support the restoration, preservation, repair, maintenance and improvements of the Parish Church of All Saints, Southill, in the Diocese of St Albans and its monuments and stained glass in the Church.

Membership of the Friends presents to all, who hold the Church dear, an opportunity to share in this dual enterprise. It also provides members with a newsletter setting out details of the Friends Annual Service and of other events being planned.The friends have to-date raised in excess of £70,000 and supported the improvements to the Church building by contributions to the new oil tank, the heating system, the toilet facilities, the loop/sound system, external stonework repairs, protection of the windows, cleaning of the bell chamber and purchase of new ropes for the bells etc.

How to become a FRIEND

Members are not only from the Parish but include those who have had some past connection with the Church, such as baptism or marriage, and have since moved from the Parish or have a special interest in the history of the Church. There are various types of membership and the subscription rates are listed. It will reduce administrative costs if your subscription is paid by means of a Standing Order to your bank, a form for which is also supplied. If you pay income tax you can increase the value of your subscription by one third by signing a "Deed of Covenant" (available from the Treasurer). This will enable the Friends to reclaim the tax you have already paid.
Please complete the form as applicable, detach and return it to:
Maureen Strutt.
The Treasurer.
Friends of All Saints Southill
31 Birch Close
SG18 9NR

Type,                                  Cost
Individual,                     £25 per year
Family,                          £50 per year
Concessioary,               £20 per year
Junior(under 16),          £10 per year
Life Membership,          £250

Application for Membership

I/We wish to to become a Friend of All Saints Southill by subscribing annually the sum of £.................

I/We enclose a cheque for the first year's subscription* / completed Bankers Order* (* delete as applicable)

I/We wish to become a life member /members of the Friends of All Saints Southill and enclose a cheque for £................

Full Name (In Capitals please)........................................

Address (Including Postcode)..........................................

Signature .................................

Date .................................

Your Bank Name..................................... Your Bank Branch ..................................

Your Bank Address

................................................................ Your Account Number.................................
................................................................ Your Account Name....................................
Please pay to the account of The Friends of All Saints Southill at
Lloyds Bank 30 98 97 (Acc No 83484763)
the sum of £.................. (amount in words...................................................)

NOW and annually on 1st January until further notice in writing by me.

Signature................................... Name (in Block Letters)...................................... Date..../..../....