EASY GOING SOCIAL RIDES: Primarily on country lanes and cycle paths, starting from Bath every Thursday, around 30-35 miles, with a cafe stop for a sociable lunch. Non-competitive. Lycra not required.
WHEN AND WHERE AND HOW TO JOIN: Rides usually leave about 9:45 and are back mid-afternoon. Average group speed 8-10mph. Emphasis is on social, not on speed. If you would like to join us, we are so popular now, that you will need to go on our waiting list. Email us at the address below.
WE ARE: a bunch of friendly people from all backgrounds bound together by our love of cycling and the countryside, having a coffee and a chat, and a desire to keep active. Approximately 50/50 women and men, so don't expect much sprocket talk.
YOU NEED: to be comfortable riding around 30 miles, so a bike in good condition, ideally with puncture resistant tyres, and gears to get you up hills, though some of us walk up the steeper ones. Some of us use ebikes.
SAFETY: We all recognise our duty of care to ourselves, each other, and other road users and act accordingly. Here are our Ride Guidelines.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Email us at 30milethursdays@gmail.com