Forces Questions (KS3)

  1. Ice is a solid. When it is heated it  and becomes water. Water is a    which boils at 100°C. It turns into a    called steam. When steam cools it    and turns back into water. At 0°C water    and turns into ice.
  2. A rectangular block of 10cm x 10cm x 8cm aluminium has a mass of 2160 g. The density of aluminium is g/cm3. The mass of a block of gold the same size is g. (density of gold is 19.3 g/cm3).
  3. A lorry holds 5m3 of ready-mixed concrete. The mass of the concrete is 4000kg. What isthe density of the concrete?kg/m3.
  4. What is the mass of a rectangular iron block (density 7.9 g/cm3), 10cm x 20cm x 30cm?kg.
  5. A wooden cube with 5cm sides has a mass of 100g. What is its density?g/cm3.
  6. Fill in the missing temperatures on these scales:
    • Celsius    
    • Kelvin      




 What is meant by (a) elastic limit and (b) extension?


 Why is rubber a good material for (a) making 'elastic' bands and (b) making bicycle tyres?


 Why do submarines need thick, strong walls?