New student registration
Note: Everything marked with a * is a required field.
学生姓名 Student’s Full Name:
学生出生日期 Student’s Date of Birth*:
学生姓别 Student’s sex:
学生年岁 Student’s age
中文程度 Level of Chinese
读广东话或普通话 Study Cantonese or Mandarin
父/母姓名 Name of parent
与学生的关系 Relationship with applicant
地址 Home address
邮号 Postcode
电话 Telephone
流动电话 Mobile
电子邮箱 Email
本人证明上面所填属实,并愿意我的孩子遵守挍规。The form has been completed to the best of my knowledge. I agree that my child will abide by the school rules.
家长签名 Parent signature:
日期 Date
I agree for photo of myself / child’s to be taken for use in the promotion of the school
I agree to the personal data provided above being processed for the legitimate business of Ying Wah Chinese School.