1. a) Our blood contains red blood cells. Their main function is to
b) The food which contains the most carbohydrate is
lettuce fish bread chicken
c) The substance which is not excreted by the human body is
carbon dioxide faeces urine water
d) A menstrual period occurs in a woman approximately
every day once a year every twenty-eight days twice a year
e) The substance which passes across the surface of the lungs into the blood is
carbon dioxide glucose oxygen water
f) The condition that is not needed for the germination of seeds is
oxygen soil suitable temperature water
g) The type of organism which has a backbone is
a fungus a reptile an arthropod an insect
h) The type of organism which photosynthesises in a food chain is a
herbivore producer primary consumer secondary consumer
(a) Mr Douglas is holding a shopping bag. Which structure, X, Y or Z, contracts when he lifts the bag?
(b) Mr Douglas once damaged his elbow (Z) and had to have it encased in a plaster cast. Explain why it was then difficult for him to lift the shopping bag.
(c) Mr Douglas accidentally put his hand onto a very hot kettle. Suggest what happened next and give an explanation for it. Include the words stimulus and nerves in your explanation.
This is what happened next:
3. Prince Charles is an organic farmer. On his farm, horse manure and straw are added to the soil to help his plants grow better. Horse manure and straw slowly increase the amount of nitrate in the soil.
(a) (i) Why do his plants grow better with nitrate?
(ii) What happens if a plant does not get enough nitrate?
(b) Explain how straw and manure increase the amount of nitrate in the soil.
(c) The diagrams below show part of a root and a root hair cell. Explain how the root hair cell helps the plant to absorb nitrate and water.
(d) What is the function of the nucleus of the root hair?
4. In September, a class poured dilute washing-up liquid onto quadrats placed on the grass of the school field and counted the number of earthworms which moved to the surface. They sampled the field at different distances from a tree growing at the edge of the field. In September, the wind usually blew the leaves from the tree across the field. The results of the activity are shown below.
(a) What does the chart tell us about the way in which earthworms are distributed across the field?
(b) Suggest an explanation for these observations.
(c) The class did not count the total population of earthworms in the field. Why was this unnecessary?
5. Describe a healthy breakfast. Explain why it is healthy.
6. The diagram shows the amount of starch and glucose (sugar) in Sally's gut after she ate a piece of bread. Use the information in the diagram to answer the questions.
(a) What is the evidence that the digestion of starch has already begun before the food reaches the stomach?
(b) Where in the body does most of the digestion of starch occur? What is the evidence for this?
Evidence: (2)
(c) What happens to the glucose which is made from the digestion of starch?
7. Scientists compared the survival of a group of doctors who smoked regularly with a control group of doctors who did not smoke. The graph shows the percentage (0/0) of the non-smoking doctors who were alive at different ages.
(a) By what age were 50% of the group still alive? (1)
The data below are for a similar study in which all the people smoked at least 25 cigarettes each day.
(b) Plot these data onto the graph and draw a smooth curve between the points. (3)
(c) What does the graph tell you about the effects of cigarettes on the survival of smokers?
(d) Explain how cigarettes damage health.
8. The diagram shows potatoes growing on underground stems of a potato plant.
(a) Describe how you could show that a potato contains starch
(b) Starch is made inside the potato from glucose.
(i) Where in the plant is glucose made?
(ii) How does glucose get to the potatoes?
(c) Potatoes produce buds which can grow into new stems and leaves.
Explain why this is useful to the
(i) plant (1)
(ii) potato farmer (1)
9. Write about a biology experiment in which you investigated the effect of changing a variable. Make sure that you include details about
(i) the idea you tested
(ii) the variable you altered
(iii) the variable you measured
(iv) how you made it a fair test
(v) a precaution you took to work safely
(vi) what you found out
(vii) a conclusion you made.
The idea was:
The variable you altered was:
The variable you measured was:
How you made it a fair test was:
A precaution you took to work safely was:
What you found out:
Your conclusion: