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Wembury allotments are in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in the South Hams, Devon. Our committee is a group of tenants, advised by the National Trust (site owners), who run all the activities associated with an allotment. The site is unusual as it is accessible to the public who can walk through it and enjoy the gardens.

We are grateful to Voice Online Communities CiC for hosting us. Please note that Voice is in no way responsible for any information provided on this site.

Note. If you are viewing this page on a smart phone, mobile or tablet device, the main menu can be opened by touching the 3 horizontal bars just underneath the main photo ! Most of our useful information is contained in the Handbook section.

 Our constitution states

"The Association shall consist of Allotment & Leisure Gardeners within the Wembury Parish or of such other persons as the committee may admit to membership".

With this in mind, the Association's policy is that applicants who, at the time of their application, live within Wembury parish will be placed ahead of applicants from elsewhere in our waiting list(s), regardless of how long those applicants from elsewhere have been on the waiting list.

To find out about joining us please look here first


Contact Information

Dave Garland: Secretary W.A.A.


WAA Communal Shed, Wembury
South Hams