Interested in an allotment

Read this first!

The Allotment Challenge: Time, Effort, and Why It's Not for Everyone

  • Allotments have gained popularity over the years as people look to reconnect with nature and enjoy the rewards of homegrown produce. However it is crucial to understand the considerable time and effort an allotment demands before applying for one. 

The Allotment Commitment

Securing an allotment plot comes with responsibilities and a significant time commitment. It is vital that you read and understand our tenancy agreement, which does change on occasion, in order to understand the nature of what you are about to take on.  "Allotmenteering" is not just a part-time hobby; it requires constant attention, dedication, and hard work. Many people underestimate the effort needed to maintain a thriving allotment, leading to neglected plots, unmet expectations and possible sanctions from the committee. In the worst cases, plot holders may have their agreements terminated.

  • Time-Intensive Tasks

From preparing the soil, planting seeds, and nurturing young plants to combating pests, weeds, and diseases, an allotment demands a regular presence. Unlike houseplants, which can survive a few days or weeks without care, allotments require frequent visits to water, weed, and tend to the crops. As our allotments are open to the public we also have to consider the reputation of our Association in the community and to our landlord, the National Trust, if our plots look neglected or abandoned.

There is no real off-season in the allotment world. Spring and summer are the busiest months when planting and nurturing are at their peak, while autumn requires harvesting and preserving the produce. Winter may seem like a time for respite, but even then, allotments need maintenance to keep the soil healthy and prepare for the coming growing season. There are of course also winter cropping plants.

  • Physical Labour

Allotment work involves a considerable amount of physical labour. Digging, weeding, lifting heavy bags of compost, transporting water in times of drought  and bending over to plant or harvest can take a toll on your body, especially if you are not accustomed to such activities. If you have mobility issues or major health concerns, it might be wise to reconsider taking on an allotment. Remember that the nearest car-parking is in the recreation ground.

  • Unpredictable Nature

Nature can be (increasingly)  unpredictable, and despite your best efforts, you might face challenges beyond your control. Pests and diseases can decimate your crops and extreme weather events like droughts or storms can wreak havoc on your hard work. This can be disheartening and frustrating, and only a strong commitment and positive approach will help you bounce back from such setbacks.

  • Financial Investment

While you might think that an allotment can save you money by providing homegrown produce, they require a significant financial investment. From purchasing gardening tools and seeds to investing in water storage, the provision of composts and other supplies, the costs can soon add up. If you're not prepared to allocate a budget for your allotment, it might not be right for you.

  • Emotional Investment

An allotment is more than just a plot of land; it becomes a personal project and an emotional investment. The disappointment of failed crops, or slug eaten produce  as well as the joy of a bountiful harvest can deeply affect gardeners. A kind word from a passer-by is often very welcome, especially if they have recognised your efforts. However, if you cannot commit emotionally to the ups and downs of gardening, it may not be the right endeavor for you.

  • Conclusion

Allotments are a fantastic way to experience the fun of growing your food, connecting with nature, and enjoying the rewards of your hard work. However, it is crucial to be honest with yourself about the time, effort, and resources that you can invest in this pursuit. If you cannot dedicate the necessary time, physical effort, and emotional commitment, an allotment might not be the best choice for you.

Before embarking on this particular journey, consider starting small with a container garden or a few raised beds in your own garden. This way, you can gradually ease into allotmenteering and determine whether you are truly ready for the challenges and rewards that an allotment offers. Remember, gardening should be enjoyable and fulfilling, so make sure you can put in the effort required to make it a positive experience.

In short (!) before applying for and taking on an allotment, thoroughly assess your ability to commit to the project. It's not a vanity project by any stretch of the imagination.

If you're sure you wish to apply for an allotment please follow this link!