Wandsworth Welcomes Refugees



Please join Wandsworth Welcomes Refugees for an informative and interactive evening to explore what becoming a borough of sanctuary could mean in Wandsworth.

Speakers confirmed are:

  • Fleur Anderson, MP for Putney, Roehampton and Southfields, will discuss the national policy agenda for refugees and how residents and communities in Wandsworth can make our voices heard on these issues.

  • Susan Grace, Deputy Head at Newman Catholic College, the first Secondary School of Sanctuary in London, will highlight the wide range of work the school is doing from arts and drama; their dedicated EAL college; enabling students to take GCSEs later than usual and much more.

  • Cllr Kevin Bonavia, Lewisham Cabinet Member for Democracy, Refugees & Accountability, will share information on current work to make Lewisham a Borough of Sanctuary, including what they’re doing to make council services more welcoming to migrants and how they are working with community groups to encourage the wider community to get involved too.

  • Sian Summers-Rees, Chief Officer at City of Sanctuary UK, will speak about the movement's vision for the UK to be a welcoming place of safety for all and proud to offer sanctuary to people fleeing violence and persecution. She will explain how City of Sanctuary UK supports a network of groups across the UK intending to welcome people seeking sanctuary.

Further details to follow.

This event is free to attend but we are being generously hosted by KLS and will be collecting donations on the door.

Reservations on eventbrite here: Wandsworth Welcomes Refugees