Wandsworth Older People's Forum Newsletter

NEWSLETTER Lockdown special issue 

Welcome to this special lockdown two-page newsletter from the Wandsworth Older People’s Forum (WOPF). We hope you find it not only informative, but also readable and entertaining.

If you haven’t come across the WOPF before, I should explain that we work in partnership with local bodies involved in the welfare of older people in the borough and seek to provide a strong collective voice seeking to influence change through engagement with local decision-makers. In doing so, we work closely with officers of Wandsworth Borough Council, local health bodies, our local Age UK Wandsworth team and the other local organisations in a network of concern for the elderly.

We are all now subject to lockdown, so we are all in the same extraordinary situation. Those of us who have been declared to need “shielding” will face what looks likely to be an extended period when we can’t sensibly go out of our homes.

So, in these uncertain times, do please look after yourself and your family. Be safe and stay safe. You are not alone.

-Tony Tuck WOPF:Chair


Read the WOPF newsletter here: Newsletter