Wandsworth Grant Fund – Meet the Funder Webinars

Wandsworth Grant Fund – Meet the Funder Webinars

To support potential applicants to the Wandsworth Grant Fund, we are hosting two webinars in the lead up to the Round 15 application deadline on 10 August:

Tuesday 4 August at 11am and Thursday 6 August at 3.30pm

Booking for the webinars is essential in order to receive the Microsoft Teams link to the event. (Microsoft Teams can be downloaded free or joined through a browser). Both events will last one hour, with participants learning about the Fund and what the priorities are for funding and to receive some advice about making an application.

To book please go to https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/wandsworth-grant-fund-r15-meet-the-funder-tickets-112661688142