Wandsworth Discretionary Social Fund – Covid-19 Response

The eligibility criteria for the WDSF has been slightly amended to consider addition Covid19 related hardship. This is a temporary change and the scheme will revert to its original form at a future date.

Crisis Assistance

Provides support by way of Supermarket vouchers that can be used for groceries and fuel vouchers for pre-payment meters.

We will process your application and notify you of the outcome, usually within 24 – 48 hours.

To be eligible for an award from the Wandsworth Discretionary Social Fund you must:

  • Be aged 16 or over
  • Be in receipt of an out of work or disability benefit or be out of work and awaiting an initial decision on entitlement to a qualifying out of work or disability benefit
  • Consideration can be given to low income working households.
  • People with No Recourse to Public Funds – can complete this form and any award will be made from a budget that is not public funds.
  • Not have access to any funds that can be relied on to meet the need they are applying and where they would be left with insufficient resources which would cause serious risk to their own, or their family’s health or safety
  • Not have already had three awards in the six-month period commencing 23th March 2020.
  • Not have had your benefit entitlement suspended or sanctioned by the DWP, unless exceptional circumstances apply
  • Be ordinarily resident in the Borough of Wandsworth and have lived in the Borough for six weeks prior to applying and are expected to be resident in the Borough after receipt of the award. Except where the person has moved into the Borough due to an emergency such as fleeing domestic violence, prison


Residents Contacting the HUB / Call Centre / Voluntary Sector:

If residents contact the HUB/Call Centre/Voluntary Sector and states that due to Financial Hardship that they cannot afford to purchase food / fuel they should be directed to the WDSF.

The claiming process is on-line:



Google: Wandsworth Discretionary Support grants

If a person cannot access the on-line form they will need to approach a voluntary sector e.g. CAW / Foodbank etc. for assistance with completing the form – there is no Council provided support for telephone claiming.


Residents should be informed if they consent we will pass their details to the voluntary sector partners who may be able to provide them further assistance with claiming benefit / maximising benefits / debt & money management.

No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF)

It should be noted the scheme does offer support to People with No Recourse to Public Funds – this is not through the general Wandsworth Discretionary Social Fund but through a separate Covid-19 related hardship fund which is not Public Funds.