Healthwatch Wandsworth – Covid-19 Survey: Tell us how you are managing.

Survey Healthwatch

Health and social care services have had to drastically change the support they offer the public. It is important that we understand how these changes are working for people.

Healthwatch Wandsworth wants to hear from as many people as possible about how you have been managing your health during this time. We would very much appreciate if we could have a few minutes of your time to give us this feedback.

Share your experiences and those of people you know anonymously.

This will help local health and care services understand what needs there are locally, how their services are working, what is working well and where things can be made better as things change.

They will also share findings to Healthwatch England to help them help central government departments understand and learn from what is happening from your perspective.

You can take part by completing the survey online by clicking on the link below, or why not give them a call to talk it through.
