Wandsworth Organisations - Directory Of Support Around Covid-19

List of Wandsworth organisations that are helping out around Covid-19. 

Get in touch with them if you need help:

For our full coronavirus page with information and links, click here: https://wandsworthcarealliance.org.uk/coronavirus/


Wandsworth Council

Wandsworth Coronavirus Community Hub: https://www.wandsworth.gov.uk/health-and-social-care/public-health/coronavirus/ (loads of info about Covid-19)

If you or someone you know needs support from Wandsworth Council about Covid-19, please contact: 0208 871 6555 or covid19support@richmondandwandsworth.gov.uk


Local Charities:


St. Mary’s Battersea - Coronavirus Angels

For those self-isolating who may need help with practical things with stuck indoors or need someone to talk to.
073 9485 6557 or email angels@stmarysbattersea.org.uk


Little Village 
They will continue to work with families during the current situation.
They can accept referrals for families needing clothes and kit in urgent cases. They are classifying these as:
- Expectant mums (past 26 weeks pregnant) and new born babies (under 3 months old)
- Children aged 3mths-5yrs that recently arrived in the country or recently housed in a refuge
Bundles for these families will comprise of – clothing, nappies, hygiene products and bed/bedding (where available). They will be delivered to the family. If a referral partner considers a family doesn’t qualify for these criteria but could still use some help during this time, exceptions can be made. More information and geographical scope of the service is on the website. https://littlevillagehq.org/wandsworth/
All referrals can be made online:  https://littlevillagehq.org/wandsworth/make-a-referral/


Age UK Wandsworth (over 60s)
Food parcels for housebound or self-isolating older people or older people who cannot get food from the supermarket
Open 10.00-3.00 at 549 Old York Road, SW18 1TQ, but preferably on 020 8877 8940 or info@ageukwandsworth.org.uk


Alzheimer's Society Dementia Support Service Wandsworth
Regular weekly calls to people with dementia and their carers who need support. Information sent by email or post about dementia related issues.
wandsworth@alzheimers.org.uk telephone: 020 8687 0922


A2i Dyslexia
Open as usual. A2i Dyslexia will still be holding phone consultations, phone & email Dyslexia business support and answering general Dyslexia enquiries. All Dyslexia screenings and assessments are postponed until further notice as well as Children services including 1:1 tuition.


Be Enriched

Focusing our service on people living in SW17 and SE11 who are elderly or vulnerable, self-isolating and unable to shop for food. 
People who would like a meal delivered to them can call us on 07397 288160​ or email


Catch 22
Clients can access our service via our website where they will be directed to complete a Catch 22 Referral Form and send it to YPHealth.Office@catch-22.org.uk. Clients will be offered telephone counselling.


Citizens Advice Wandsworth
People can access specific Coronavirus information – e.g. recent changes to benefits and employment rights from a new webpage.
To speak to an adviser about claiming Universal Credit people should call the Help to Claim service on 0800 1448 444, or use webchat.
For all other advice queries people can self-refer using this online form, or call CAW’s Adviceline on 0300 330 1169.


Domestic Violence support:
As a result of the Coronavirus outbreak, many victims of domestic abuse will face additional challenges and barriers to accessing support. While self-isolating, families are likely to spend extended periods of time with abusers, which potentially could escalate the threat of violent and abusive behaviour. Victims will be more isolated from the people and the resources that could help them.
Wandsworth Council Domestic Abuse Information Page: Wandsworth.gov.uk


Families Together:
Our face-to-face monthly meetings are temporarily suspended and we will re-start them as soon as possible. In the meantime, we plan to provide the same level of support over the next few months, via telephone, email, and virtual monthly meetings. 
We offer two Zoom meetings a month but you will first need to contact the helpline to access this service 01189 403 160 please do so between 9am and 9pm.
Please email info@familiestogetherlondon.com for more information.



Foodbank Wandsworth:
In response to the Coronavirus situation, from Monday we’ll be switching our food bank provision to home delivery only.
This is so we can continue to provide emergency food in a safe way to people in financial crisis who you refer to us. Email:


Free school meals replacement
Children eligible for Free School Meals will be contacted by text or email with supermarket vouchers that they can redeem online or in store.


Furzedown Project

Are mainting contact with the vulnerable, isolated older people who constitute our membership or live in our immediate locality. We are establishing telephone support to some 300-350 people and setting up telephone trees to promote peer support among our membership and to raise an alert if someone is experiencing severe difficulty.  

They operate from premises in Moyser Rd, SW16 6SJ in the southern most quadrant of Wandsworth Borough and can provide a local hub in this area. We have a mini-bus and some driver time which could be used for food deliveries in within the SW16 & SW17 post codes. We have good knowledge of the residential street in these areas: particularly south of Tooting Bec & Tooting Broadway as we have been offering a supported transport service to older people attending our Activity Centre for many years.

We are in the process of setting up a what's app group for the service but if you are currently a member and have any enquiries please get in touch with the project direct 020 8677 4283 or with the forum direct on 020 7498 9933



Community connections is still running as a streamlined service; the outreach team will be working with all members to provide support, especially to the most vulnerable who are at risk of isolation without their usual friends or our support.
A team of staff who live locally has been organised to support members with shopping, cooking, medication collections and prompting, twice daily telephone calls, emotional support and outreach in safe spaces such as parks (for exercise). Also offer a helpline so members will be redirected to a department manager.
Also setting up online support in the form of virtual youth clubs for the young people accessing our youth service will be redirected to a department manager.
Also setting up online support in the form of virtual youth clubs for the young people accessing our youth service.


Connections - Madeleine 07949395742, Zac 07939538275 Amy 07484049786 or
Sruthy 07949308416
Youth Services – Katy 07377 561611, Graham 07904326764 or Melanie from 20th April
Access to Work – Jane 07535553821 or Sruthy 07949308416
Easyhealth – Kate Tokley 07487422150

Hightrees House
Identified vulnerable people and have in place an organised team of volunteers looking out for them.
Call: 020 7228 9864


Kambala Estate Residents Association (led by Donna Barham, Annaliese’s (SenTalk) mum – distributing food to local people): https://kambala.org.uk/


Katherine Low Settlement – support for elders, refugees and young people in Battersea. The team will be offering telephone friendship/support calls to any elders in Battersea that would like them. www.klsettlement.org.uk and 020 7223 2845


Link workers/Social prescribers/Enable
Contacting people that GPs have identified as vulnerable, performing wellbeing checks on the phone and connecting them with support that’s available; Acting as the link between people isolated and the support they need.
Contact through your GP


Link UP
Get remote pro-bono consultancy for your organisation. In response to thecurrent challenge of social distancing, Link UP is now offering 1on1 support to charities, social enterprises and community groups through our Phone Support Team. We have experience with strategy as well as additional practical expertise in areas such as finance, marketing, research and business development.

Any interested organisations should complete this simple Google Form asking for information on what support is needed: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf3YOhv5gf8CL4QnVl8bBhIZMw5l2Oe911C1Lx5GacE1SZTFQ/viewform?usp=sf_link


Macmillan Info Centre at St Georges
Cancer patients at St George’s can now get confidential phone support from trained volunteers.CanChat is for patients who are worried about money, work, or treatment, or would just like to talk to someone who knows what they are going through.



Regenerate-RISE are providing support through a 'Supply Box' for the elderly. It consist of daily phone calls, sandwiches for lunch, cakes and desserts delivered to the doorstep. They cover Battersea (SW11) and Putney (SW15) and currently have over 140 people on their list. 

Have closed our centres and we’re staying in touch with our students and their families via email and phone calls. There are activities and resources on our website and we’re exploring additional ways of getting resources to people who may be very isolated.
020 7801 9817 or 020 7350 1625 or via email at anniem@sharecommunity.org.uk


Sound Minds 
Reaching out in a spirit of friendship
Advice about the virus to ensure you understand the action you and any people in your household should take in the event of infection, particularly if you are in an 'at risk' group.
Updates on the status of Sound Minds and Canerows services and new online services as we develop them
Helping you to cope with isolation and the absences of the community services that used to offer face to face support
Ensuring that you have sufficient food and resources in isolation and organising help if you don't
Bringing you up to date on other services you may use and may access such as foodbanks, advice, online help etc.
Supporting you in the style that suits you and agreeing the frequency of contacts

We are taking new referrals for this service for people living with mental health issues and resident in Wandsworth or other South West London boroughs. Call Sound Minds on 020 7207 1876.


Southfields Grid Alliance
Local, trusted representatives will be on hand if needed to do anything required for the elderly, vulnerable or self-isolating. For example they can do things like:
Running errands, doing the shopping or have a friendly chat by phone. Dog walking
Pick up prescriptions
Rebecca Watts on 07734 818540 or email rebeccadwatts@yahoo.com


Spectra continues to provide the services commissioned for in the borough, details at https://spectra-london.org.uk/spectra-in-wandsworth/
All counselling has moved to online delivery, while face to face testing for HIV and STI has been suspended, we are providing online support via outreach sessions to anyone needing advice and information on sourcing online tests. We have produced a short tutorial on how the STI kits work at www.bit.ly/SpectraSHLDemoVid 
Our website and phone service is being monitored 7 days a week, 10am to 5pm, and people can call or live chat via our website at www.spectra-london.org.uk


St Michael's Wandsworth Common
Currently we are collecting food and supplies and arranging weekly drop offs as well as shopping and prescription runs through our staff team and some volunteers.
020 7924 3450 or 07970 259580 or via email at tewins@smwc.online


Talk Wandsworth
Talk wandsworth remains open - we can offer assessment and treatment appointments via telephone or skype. 
Please refer on our website: here.
If you would like information about how to take care of yourself and those around you during the Coronavirus outbreak, please use the link below to go to the NHS Every Mind Matters page which has guidance, advice and tips on how to manage your mental wellbeing at this uncertain time: https://www.nhs.uk/oneyou/every-mind-matters


Tooting's Recovery Café
The Recovery Cafe is open but for 1:1 appointments only.
Call 077 9439 4920


Wandsworth Carers Centre
We are still open and will continue to deliver support over the phone and email wherever possible. We appreciate this might be an anxious time for Carers and the people you care for, and want to reassure you that despite these changes, Wandsworth Carers’ Centre is still here to support you.
Please do not hesitate to contact us on either 020 8877 1200 or email info@wandsworthcarers.org.uk


Wandsworth Community Transport
Supporting AUKW with mini bus and driver to make deliveries of food parcels from 23/03 and being a drop-off point for donations of food both at Shopmobility at Sainsbury’s and our main base, 1b Yukon Road, SW12 9PZ.
020 8675 7460 or w.c.t@btconnect.com


Wandsworth Covid-19 Mutual Aid Group
Connecting volunteers to vulnerable people on Facebook


Wandsworth Older People's Forum
Support from Lilias Gillies.
lilias.gillies@btinternet.com or 020 8672 5592


Waste Not Want Not
Led by Hadas Hagos - distributing food to local people:


Wandsworth Your Way
Operated by 'Together' - currently offering a remote phone support
Call/Text: 07874235865
Email: wandsworthyourway@together-uk.org


Wandsworth Asian Women's Association
Support for existing members


The Wiser Collective
Have been collecting prescriptions and food for people in the local area of Balham who are self isolating for various reasons including age and under lying health issues.


WoW Mums 
Delivering food to Haven Lodge, sheltered housing accommodation.
Call: 078 1166 0580


Local Faith Groups: 


Lots of local faith groups are doing their bit to support local people during these difficult times. Do contact your local faith group for more information and help. Use ‘google’ to find them.


Balham Mosque
Are offering support during these challenging timesLet them know if there is anything they can help you with. They can assist in shopping on your behalf and providing cooking ingredients or cooked meals that can be delivered by one of our volunteers. 
More than just the supplies you may require, they understand that this is a very mentally challenging time. Should you wish to speak to someone for reassurance or just to get something off your chest, or you may have a family member who needs counselling to get through the these very scary times, then please do reach out to us and we will point you in the direction or get the right person to call you back. 
Call: 300 30 30 694


Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association UK
Currently we are mainly supporting those who have contacted us directly asking for help. Whether it is doing their shopping, picking up medicine, posting mail or even to just have someone to talk to. We are here for them.
In regards to food distribution, we are more than happy to help as well. AMYA itself in the UK has regular food drives where we provide meals to the less fortunate. If you require support in distributing food, we would be happy to help
M: 07938 869329


South West London Vineyard Church 
Operating out of our community centre, The Yard on the Ashburton Estate, we are here to provide care & support to those who find themselves vulnerable & most at risk across the borough. We can help you with shopping, prescriptions, prayer, a friendly chat or any other help you may need.
Please call our team on 020 8785 9530 or email: mail@swlv.org.uk.  
We’d love to hear from you and help you get through this difficult time.



St Michael's Wandsworth Common
Currently we are collecting food and supplies and arranging weekly drop offs as well as shopping and prescription runs through our staff team and some volunteers.
020 7924 3450 or 07970 259580 or via email at tewins@smwc.online


Funding for individuals experiencing hardship and living in Battersea:

Battersea United Charities (provide small grants to individuals living in Battersea): https://batterseaunitedcharities.org.uk/

Turn2Us (provide small grants to individuals across the UK): https://www.turn2us.org.uk/


Mutual Aid Groups:

Covid Mutual Aid (directory of groups across the UK): https://covidmutualaid.org/

A complete list of London’s Coronavirus Mutual Aid Groups – local volunteer groups helping those who are self-isolating with grocery shopping, dog walking and other daily tasks.

Wandsworth/Battersea Covid-19 Mutual Aid: https://www.facebook.com/groups/BatterseaMutualAid/

Putney Coronavirus Mutual Support Group: 

Putney & Wandsworth Covid-19 Mutual Aid: https://www.facebook.com/groups/putneywandsworthcovid19/

Earlsfield COVID 19 Mutual Aid: 

Balham Covid-19 Mutual Aid Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/872651583186527/?ref=share

Southfields Covid-19 Mutual Aid Group:


Wandsworth Covid 19 Mutual Aid (Balham, Tooting and Clapham South areas): https://www.facebook.com/groups/2712863618831932/


If your organisation wants to be added to this list please email: communications@wandcareall.org.uk

List of Wandsworth organisations that are helping out around Covid-19. 
Get in touch with them if you need help:

Wandsworth Council

Wandsworth Coronavirus Community Hub: https://www.wandsworth.gov.uk/health-and-social-care/public-health/coronavirus/ (loads of info about Covid-19)

If you or someone you know needs support from Wandsworth Council about Covid-19, please contact: 0208 871 6555 or covid19support@richmondandwandsworth.gov.uk


Local Charities:


St. Mary’s Battersea - Coronavirus Angels

For those self-isolating who may need help with practical things with stuck indoors or need someone to talk to.
073 9485 6557 or email angels@stmarysbattersea.org.uk


Little Village 
They will continue to work with families during the current situation.
They can accept referrals for families needing clothes and kit in urgent cases. They are classifying these as:
- Expectant mums (past 26 weeks pregnant) and new born babies (under 3 months old)
- Children aged 3mths-5yrs that recently arrived in the country or recently housed in a refuge
Bundles for these families will comprise of – clothing, nappies, hygiene products and bed/bedding (where available). They will be delivered to the family. If a referral partner considers a family doesn’t qualify for these criteria but could still use some help during this time, exceptions can be made. More information and geographical scope of the service is on the website. https://littlevillagehq.org/wandsworth/
All referrals can be made online:  https://littlevillagehq.org/wandsworth/make-a-referral/


Age UK Wandsworth (over 60s)
Food parcels for housebound or self-isolating older people or older people who cannot get food from the supermarket
Open 10.00-3.00 at 549 Old York Road, SW18 1TQ, but preferably on 020 8877 8940 or info@ageukwandsworth.org.uk


Alzheimer's Society Dementia Support Service Wandsworth
Regular weekly calls to people with dementia and their carers who need support. Information sent by email or post about dementia related issues.
wandsworth@alzheimers.org.uk telephone: 020 8687 0922


A2i Dyslexia
Open as usual. A2i Dyslexia will still be holding phone consultations, phone & email Dyslexia business support and answering general Dyslexia enquiries. All Dyslexia screenings and assessments are postponed until further notice as well as Children services including 1:1 tuition.


Be Enriched

Focusing our service on people living in SW17 and SE11 who are elderly or vulnerable, self-isolating and unable to shop for food. 
People who would like a meal delivered to them can call us on 07397 288160​ or email


Catch 22
Clients can access our service via our website where they will be directed to complete a Catch 22 Referral Form and send it to YPHealth.Office@catch-22.org.uk. Clients will be offered telephone counselling.


Citizens Advice Wandsworth
People can access specific Coronavirus information – e.g. recent changes to benefits and employment rights from a new webpage.
To speak to an adviser about claiming Universal Credit people should call the Help to Claim service on 0800 1448 444, or use webchat.
For all other advice queries people can self-refer using this online form, or call CAW’s Adviceline on 0300 330 1169.


Domestic Violence support: 
As a result of the Coronavirus outbreak, many victims of domestic abuse will face additional challenges and barriers to accessing support. While self-isolating, families are likely to spend extended periods of time with abusers, which potentially could escalate the threat of violent and abusive behaviour. Victims will be more isolated from the people and the resources that could help them.
Wandsworth Council Domestic Abuse Information Page: Wandsworth.gov.uk

Families Together:
Our face-to-face monthly meetings are temporarily suspended and we will re-start them as soon as possible. In the meantime, we plan to provide the same level of support over the next few months, via telephone, email, and virtual monthly meetings. 
We offer two Zoom meetings a month but you will first need to contact the helpline to access this service 01189 403 160 please do so between 9am and 9pm.
Please email info@familiestogetherlondon.com for more information.


Foodbank Wandsworth:
In response to the Coronavirus situation, from Monday we’ll be switching our food bank provision to home delivery only.
This is so we can continue to provide emergency food in a safe way to people in financial crisis who you refer to us. Email:


Free school meals replacement
Children eligible for Free School Meals will be contacted by text or email with supermarket vouchers that they can redeem online or in store.


Furzedown Project

Are mainting contact with the vulnerable, isolated older people who constitute our membership or live in our immediate locality. We are establishing telephone support to some 300-350 people and setting up telephone trees to promote peer support among our membership and to raise an alert if someone is experiencing severe difficulty.  

They operate from premises in Moyser Rd, SW16 6SJ in the southern most quadrant of Wandsworth Borough and can provide a local hub in this area. We have a mini-bus and some driver time which could be used for food deliveries in within the SW16 & SW17 post codes. We have good knowledge of the residential street in these areas: particularly south of Tooting Bec & Tooting Broadway as we have been offering a supported transport service to older people attending our Activity Centre for many years.

We are in the process of setting up a what's app group for the service but if you are currently a member and have any enquiries please get in touch with the project direct 020 8677 4283 or with the forum direct on 020 7498 9933



Community connections is still running as a streamlined service; the outreach team will be working with all members to provide support, especially to the most vulnerable who are at risk of isolation without their usual friends or our support. 
A team of staff who live locally has been organised to support members with shopping, cooking, medication collections and prompting, twice daily telephone calls, emotional support and outreach in safe spaces such as parks (for exercise). Also offer a helpline so members will be redirected to a department manager.
Also setting up online support in the form of virtual youth clubs for the young people accessing our youth service will be redirected to a department manager.
Also setting up online support in the form of virtual youth clubs for the young people accessing our youth service.


Connections - Madeleine 07949395742, Zac 07939538275 Amy 07484049786 or 
Sruthy 07949308416
Youth Services – Katy 07377 561611, Graham 07904326764 or Melanie from 20th April
Access to Work – Jane 07535553821 or Sruthy 07949308416
Easyhealth – Kate Tokley 07487422150

Hightrees House
Identified vulnerable people and have in place an organised team of volunteers looking out for them.
Call: 020 7228 9864


Kambala Estate Residents Association (led by Donna Barham, Annaliese’s (SenTalk) mum – distributing food to local people): https://kambala.org.uk/


Katherine Low Settlement – support for elders, refugees and young people in Battersea. The team will be offering telephone friendship/support calls to any elders in Battersea that would like them. www.klsettlement.org.uk and 020 7223 2845


Link workers/Social prescribers/Enable
Contacting people that GPs have identified as vulnerable, performing wellbeing checks on the phone and connecting them with support that’s available; Acting as the link between people isolated and the support they need.
Contact through your GP


Link UP
Get remote pro-bono consultancy for your organisation. In response to thecurrent challenge of social distancing, Link UP is now offering 1on1 support to charities, social enterprises and community groups through our Phone Support Team. We have experience with strategy as well as additional practical expertise in areas such as finance, marketing, research and business development.

Any interested organisations should complete this simple Google Form asking for information on what support is needed: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf3YOhv5gf8CL4QnVl8bBhIZMw5l2Oe911C1Lx5GacE1SZTFQ/viewform?usp=sf_link


Macmillan Info Centre at St Georges
Cancer patients at St George’s can now get confidential phone support from trained volunteers.CanChat is for patients who are worried about money, work, or treatment, or would just like to talk to someone who knows what they are going through.


Regenerate-RISE are providing support through a 'Supply Box'. It consist of daily phone calls, sandwiches for lunch, cakes and desserts delivered to the doorstep.


Have closed our centres and we’re staying in touch with our students and their families via email and phone calls. There are activities and resources on our website and we’re exploring additional ways of getting resources to people who may be very isolated.
020 7801 9817 or 020 7350 1625 or via email at anniem@sharecommunity.org.uk


Sound Minds 
Reaching out in a spirit of friendship
Advice about the virus to ensure you understand the action you and any people in your household should take in the event of infection, particularly if you are in an 'at risk' group.
Updates on the status of Sound Minds and Canerows services and new online services as we develop them
Helping you to cope with isolation and the absences of the community services that used to offer face to face support 
Ensuring that you have sufficient food and resources in isolation and organising help if you don't
Bringing you up to date on other services you may use and may access such as foodbanks, advice, online help etc.
Supporting you in the style that suits you and agreeing the frequency of contacts

We are taking new referrals for this service for people living with mental health issues and resident in Wandsworth or other South West London boroughs. Call Sound Minds on 020 7207 1876.


Southfields Grid Alliance
Local, trusted representatives will be on hand if needed to do anything required for the elderly, vulnerable or self-isolating. For example they can do things like:
Running errands, doing the shopping or have a friendly chat by phone. Dog walking
Pick up prescriptions
Rebecca Watts on 07734 818540 or email rebeccadwatts@yahoo.com


Spectra continues to provide the services commissioned for in the borough, details at https://spectra-london.org.uk/spectra-in-wandsworth/
All counselling has moved to online delivery, while face to face testing for HIV and STI has been suspended, we are providing online support via outreach sessions to anyone needing advice and information on sourcing online tests. We have produced a short tutorial on how the STI kits work at www.bit.ly/SpectraSHLDemoVid 
Our website and phone service is being monitored 7 days a week, 10am to 5pm, and people can call or live chat via our website at www.spectra-london.org.uk


St Michael's Wandsworth Common
Currently we are collecting food and supplies and arranging weekly drop offs as well as shopping and prescription runs through our staff team and some volunteers.
020 7924 3450 or 07970 259580 or via email at tewins@smwc.online


Talk Wandsworth
Talk wandsworth remains open - we can offer assessment and treatment appointments via telephone or skype. 
Please refer on our website: here.
If you would like information about how to take care of yourself and those around you during the Coronavirus outbreak, please use the link below to go to the NHS Every Mind Matters page which has guidance, advice and tips on how to manage your mental wellbeing at this uncertain time: https://www.nhs.uk/oneyou/every-mind-matters


Tooting's Recovery Café
The Recovery Cafe is open but for 1:1 appointments only.
Call 077 9439 4920


Wandsworth Carers Centre
We are still open and will continue to deliver support over the phone and email wherever possible. We appreciate this might be an anxious time for Carers and the people you care for, and want to reassure you that despite these changes, Wandsworth Carers’ Centre is still here to support you.
Please do not hesitate to contact us on either 020 8877 1200 or email info@wandsworthcarers.org.uk


Wandsworth Community Transport
Supporting AUKW with mini bus and driver to make deliveries of food parcels from 23/03 and being a drop-off point for donations of food both at Shopmobility at Sainsbury’s and our main base, 1b Yukon Road, SW12 9PZ.
020 8675 7460 or w.c.t@btconnect.com


Wandsworth Covid-19 Mutual Aid Group
Connecting volunteers to vulnerable people on Facebook


Wandsworth Older People's Forum
Support from Lilias Gillies.
lilias.gillies@btinternet.com or 020 8672 5592


Waste Not Want Not 
Led by Hadas Hagos - distributing food to local people: 


Wandsworth Your Way
Operated by 'Together' - currently offering a remote phone support
Call/Text: 07874235865
Email: wandsworthyourway@together-uk.org


Wandsworth Asian Women's Association
Support for existing members


The Wiser Collective
Have been collecting prescriptions and food for people in the local area of Balham who are self isolating for various reasons including age and under lying health issues.


WoW Mums 
Delivering food to Haven Lodge, sheltered housing accommodation.
Call: 078 1166 0580


Local Faith Groups: 


Lots of local faith groups are doing their bit to support local people during these difficult times. Do contact your local faith group for more information and help. Use ‘google’ to find them.


Balham Mosque
Are offering support during these challenging timesLet them know if there is anything they can help you with. They can assist in shopping on your behalf and providing cooking ingredients or cooked meals that can be delivered by one of our volunteers. 
More than just the supplies you may require, they understand that this is a very mentally challenging time. Should you wish to speak to someone for reassurance or just to get something off your chest, or you may have a family member who needs counselling to get through the these very scary times, then please do reach out to us and we will point you in the direction or get the right person to call you back. 
Call: 300 30 30 694


Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association UK
Currently we are mainly supporting those who have contacted us directly asking for help. Whether it is doing their shopping, picking up medicine, posting mail or even to just have someone to talk to. We are here for them.
In regards to food distribution, we are more than happy to help as well. AMYA itself in the UK has regular food drives where we provide meals to the less fortunate. If you require support in distributing food, we would be happy to help
M: 07938 869329 


South West London Vineyard Church 
Operating out of our community centre, The Yard on the Ashburton Estate, we are here to provide care & support to those who find themselves vulnerable & most at risk across the borough. We can help you with shopping, prescriptions, prayer, a friendly chat or any other help you may need. 
Please call our team on 020 8785 9530 or email: mail@swlv.org.uk.  
We’d love to hear from you and help you get through this difficult time.



St Michael's Wandsworth Common
Currently we are collecting food and supplies and arranging weekly drop offs as well as shopping and prescription runs through our staff team and some volunteers.
020 7924 3450 or 07970 259580 or via email at tewins@smwc.online


Funding for individuals experiencing hardship and living in Battersea:

Battersea United Charities (provide small grants to individuals living in Battersea): https://batterseaunitedcharities.org.uk/

Turn2Us (provide small grants to individuals across the UK): https://www.turn2us.org.uk/


Mutual Aid Groups:

Covid Mutual Aid (directory of groups across the UK): https://covidmutualaid.org/

A complete list of London’s Coronavirus Mutual Aid Groups – local volunteer groups helping those who are self-isolating with grocery shopping, dog walking and other daily tasks.

Wandsworth/Battersea Covid-19 Mutual Aid: https://www.facebook.com/groups/BatterseaMutualAid/

Putney Coronavirus Mutual Support Group: 

Putney & Wandsworth Covid-19 Mutual Aid: https://www.facebook.com/groups/putneywandsworthcovid19/

Earlsfield COVID 19 Mutual Aid: 

Balham Covid-19 Mutual Aid Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/872651583186527/?ref=share

Southfields Covid-19 Mutual Aid Group:


Wandsworth Covid 19 Mutual Aid (Balham, Tooting and Clapham South areas): https://www.facebook.com/groups/2712863618831932/


If your organisation wants to be added to this list please email: communications@wandcareall.org.uk