Corona Virus Response Funding

On this page you will find funding opportunities for the voluntary sector response to Coronavirus.

For our full coronavirus page with information and links, click here:


Wandsworth Covid-19 Emergency Response Fund

Message from Cllr Rory O’Broin, Cabinet Member for Finance and Cllr Louise Calland, Chair Grants Sub-committee:

The Council has launched a new Covid-19 Emergency Response Fund to support local voluntary organisations that are providing urgent help to the borough’s most vulnerable residents in response to the coronavirus outbreak.   This emergency fund of £100,000 has been established to support projects and activities across the borough that can mobilise quickly and with an immediate start date.    Grants of up to £10,000 are available.  We would encourage applicants to focus on their current areas of work and expertise and what they can do now to help those most vulnerable.

The aim of this fund is to help organisations that can deliver services immediately and meet one or more of the following priorities:

1.            Support the provision of food, medicines and other essentials to those who are vulnerable and hard-to-reach.

2.            Support the provision of food, medicines and other essentials to those who are not in a vulnerable group but are self-isolating and their households.

3.            Promote other activities which help to address the isolation of the most vulnerable e.g. older residents living alone, people in unpaid caring roles or those without support networks.

4.            Promote other activities which support those who are not in a vulnerable group but are self-isolating and their households.

5.            Projects which are responding to an increase in demand for services and need to increase staffing capacity.

6.            Projects which are providing services to vulnerable residents but have had to adapt their operating model e.g. home working for staff requiring new/more IT or telephony resources.

To apply, please complete the online application form

Please note that the deadline for applications is Tuesday 14th April, and successful applicants will be notified the week commencing 27th April

For information about other funding available for the voluntary sector please go to


Big Local SW11 Alliance 
Covid-19 Battersea Community Support Fund

The Big Local SW11 Alliance community partnership is launching a fund directed at supporting local groups and organisations in Battersea in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The fund will enable groups to better support and protect local volunteers; provide services and supplies to the most vulnerable and those that may not be in touch with other agencies or statutory services. We aim to invite others to contribute to the fund.

Access to the fund had been made as simple as possible by email.

A BLSW11 Alliance panel will decide applications on a case-by-case basis.

This community partnership aims to work alongside other organisations delivering Covid-19 support in Battersea.

Application deadline:

Further Details

The Big Local SW11 Alliance is a community partnership of Big Local SW11, Katherine Low Settlement, Caius House, Carney’s Community, Providence House and St Peters Church

For more information on Big Local and the Alliance go here:

To Download the Application form go here:

If you have questions about this Fund please email to:


London Community Response launched: Vital funding support offered to London’s civil society groups affected by COVID-19

Coordinated by London Funders, the London Community Response has launched. 

With a pot of over £5m – and with more offers of funding in the pipeline – funders have been coming together to create an easy to access process for organisations across the capital to receive emergency financial support.

The first wave of funding will be grants of up to £5k for food and essentials

This is in response to funders listening to the capital’s broad and diverse civil society groups about what is immediately required on the ground to keep services going. London Funders has worked with and has had ongoing conversations with a wide variety of sector groups, organisations and representative bodies throughout the past few weeks.

Follow the link above for guidance and an application form:


Arts Council England Covid-19 Emergency Funding

£160m emergency funding is available to support organisations and individuals during the pandemic. The following funding streams will be made available:

  • Funding for national portfolio organisations (NPOs) - £90m made available to help NPOs reboot their work and alleviate financial pressures.
  • Funding for organisations outside the National Portfolio - £50m will be made available to those not in regular receipt of Arts Council Funding.
  • Funding for individuals - £20m will be made available to individual artists, freelancers and creative practitioners so they can sustain themselves and their work in the coming months.

Round two opens for applications on 16 April 2020 and applicants will need to register on Grantium by 27 April in order to make an application before the deadline of 30 April.

Visit the Arts Council website for more information.


Help Musicians Coronavirus Hardship Fund

Up to £500 available to professional working musicians to alleviate the immediate financial pressures incurred as a result of the coronavirus crisis.

Visit the Help Musicians website for more information.


Neighbourly Community Fund

Up to £400 is available for pre-existing members of Neighbourly whose work involves supporting members of the community suffering economically, socially or from ill-health as a result of the coronavirus outbreak.

Visit the Neighbourly website for more information.


Sport England Community Emergency Fund

This fund is to help community sport and physical activity organisations who are experiencing short term financial hardship or the ceasing of operations due to the ongoing coronavirus crisis.

Visit Sport England for more information.


Waitrose Community Support Fund

A £1m support fund to be distributed by Waitrose shops to local communities, and a support fund to aid staff facing additional costs as a result of the pandemic.

Further information to be released in due course. For more information and how to apply visit your local Waitrose store.


Heritage Emergency Fund launched to help sector

The National Lottery Heritage Fund has put together a £50 million fund to support the heritage sector as an immediate response to the coronavirus outbreak.  

Visit the Heritage Emergency Fund for more information.


Advice and information for voluntary and community sector organisations


A comprehensive guide being updated regularly, which includes sections on:

  • How to protect staff, volunteers and visitors
  • Whether to cancel events and activities
  • How to support beneficiaries and service users, including those who are vulnerable or facing discrimination
  • How to manage finances, planning and insurance
  • Contingency planning

The Small Charities Coalition

Information, guidance and resources for small charities during the Coronavirus outbreak.

Co-operatives UK

A guide to HR issues during the Coronavirus outbreak.

The Federation of Small Business

Aimed at small businesses, but also relevant to small charities, social enterprises, community businesses and impact organisations.

It includes sections on:

  • If you have to close your organisation
  • Business insurance
  • Advice for employers
  • Measures for the workplace

Charity Comms

Templates and information on communications including 'crisis communications'.

The Charity Commission

Information answering frequently asked questions of the Commission on charity governance and staffing during the Coronavirus outbreak.