Contact Wandsworth - Newsletter & Coffee Mornings

Please find attached Contact Wandsworth monthly update for June!  It contains...

1. Message from Wandsworth Team
2. Contact Workshops
3. Sleep Workshop with SCOPE
4. Funding available from Wandsworth
5. HealthWatch Covid-19 Survey
6. Wandsworth Autism Advisory Service YouTube Videos
7. CREW—Supporting with energy costs

You will also find attached the application form for the funding that we have received from Wandsworth's Grant Fund. Please see item 4 in the newsletter for more information on applying for this.

Also, a reminder that our Coffee Morning will be taking place on 29/05/2020 starting at 10am via Zoom. If you would like to attend, please e-mail us with your name and you will be sent a link if there are spaces available.

For any further information on items in the newsletter or general enquiries, please e-mail Contact Wandsworth at

Click here for the: Newsletter June

For the application form: Click here.