Volunteer Management Training Programme

Wandsworth Care Alliance is pleased to announce a new, modular training programme for volunteer managers/co-ordinators, covering all aspects of recruiting and managing volunteers. There will be 12 places on each session and, to allow the maximum number of organisations to benefit, one place per organisation.  

Participants can book one or more of the training sessions within the programme. We anticipate this series of courses will be popular so please book your place as soon as possible. 

  • Introduction to recruiting and managing volunteers
    Thursday 10th June 2021 (via Zoom): Book here
  • Inclusive Volunteering 
    Wednesday 23rd June 2021 (via Zoom): Book here
  • Policies and Procedures 
    Thursday 22nd July 2021 (via Zoom): Book here
  • Writing and Developing Role Descriptions 
    Wednesday 18th August 2021 (via Zoom): Book here
  • Screening Volunteers 
    Tuesday 21st September 2021 (via TBC): Book here
  • Supporting and Supervising Volunteers 
    Wednesday 20th October 2021 (via TBC): Book here
  • Dealing with Difficult Volunteers & Situations  
    Wednesday 10th November (via TBC): Book here
  • Volunteers and the Law 
    Tuesday 14th December 2021 (via TBC): Book here

Sessions will be run, initially on Zoom from 10:30am – 13:00pm including a refreshment break.

The training will be provided by Stephanie Pinner, an experienced trainer from Volunteer Centre Greenwich.  Stephanie helped to develop the programme and materials and has refined it over the course of several years in response to the needs and feedback from volunteer involving organisations.

Later sessions may be run in person dependent on government guidance, availability of suitable venues and participant feedback.

If you require any further information, please contact Kira Blake: