Wandsworth Organisations - Directory Of Support

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List of Wandsworth organisations that are helping out around Covid-19. 
Get in touch with them if you need help:

Wandsworth Council

Wandsworth Coronavirus Community Hub: https://www.wandsworth.gov.uk/health-and-social-care/public-health/coronavirus/ (loads of info about Covid-19)

If you or someone you know needs support from Wandsworth Council about Covid-19, please contact: 0208 871 6555 or covid19support@richmondandwandsworth.gov.uk


Food & Finance

Age UK Wandsworth (AUKW) - Online Food Shopping service

Paid for food deliveries: if there is someone who cannot get out to the shops, does not have someone to shop for them, etc. This service supports clients to order shopping through online supermarket deliveries. AUKW does the online shopping with the client whilst they are on the phone. Clients must have a bank card they can use to pay. Up to 15 permanent spaces - AUKW are also operate a waiting list for this service for times when it becomes too busy.  


Battersea Coronavirus Angels

Provide a befriending service, or just someone to talk to, and until the end of June 2021, assistance in getting to the shops for those who feel under confident. Service available 7 days per week so please do not hesitate to call: 073 9485 6557 or email angels@stmarysbattersea.org.uk.


Be Enriched

A non-paid for single delivery of a one-off hot meal for any resident in need. Please call 073 9728 8160​ or 033 305 06450 or email hello@be-enriched.org. Please note delivery is currently only on a Friday and that Be Enriched are unable to do grocery shopping for people who are unable to leave their homes.


Citizens Advice Wandsworth

People can access specific Coronavirus information – e.g. recent changes to benefits and employment rights from a new webpage: https://cawandsworth.org/get-advice/coronavirus/

To speak to an adviser about claiming Universal Credit people should call the Help to Claim service https://cawandsworth.org/our-projects/help-to-claim/ on 0800 1448 444, or use webchat. For all other advice queries, people can self-refer using this online form, or call CAW’s Adviceline on 0300 330 1169.


Foodbank Wandsworth

Non paid-for food for those in financial hardship. In response to the Coronavirus situation, food bank provision is home delivery only so they can continue to provide emergency food in a safe way to people in financial crisis who you refer to us.

Email: referral@wandsworth.foodbank.org.uk


Hillsong London – Love Your Neighbour

Food Parcels - We are operating an emergency pop-up food bank. If you are in urgent need of supplies and/or unable to go out. Only accepting referrals from postcodes SW, CR, KT

Financial Education - financial courses that will equip you with practical tools to move forward in your current financial situation.

Career Coaching - 8-session course including one-to-one coaching to help get you back into employment! This course will include career advice, CV help and interview up-skilling techniques.



Home Community Café

Preparing and delivering meals to vulnerable people within the borough of Wandsworth until the end of April 2021. Then from May 2021 free meals can be collected from the Home café on Thursdays only.
Will hopefully be open again from May 17th as a cafe all days except Thursdays when we have our Foodbank Hub day.

As ever if people need support with access to food they are welcome to get in touch on 07939236416 or email contact@homecommunitycafe.co.uk  


ICEC Foodbank

The main objective of the project is to help those who are struggling to make ends meet. We will provide an emergency weeks worth of groceries to individuals and families who have accommodation but are going through a crisis. The ICEC Food Bank runs twice a week from our centre.  All our food parcels contain enough content to suffice an average size family for a week.

There are 2 ways you can use the food bank programme:

1) Vouchers: We have partnered with a number of institutions in Wandsworth such as schools, GPs, Citizens Advice Bureau and Katherine Lowe. The partners will carry an assessment and send us the details .

2) Self Referral: You can complete the self referral form below. If you need help completing the form please contact us and we’ll be happy to help.


Food collection: The Food bank collection service runs twice a week; Thursday at 10am and Sunday at 12.30pm. We can also drop it off as part of the drop off service.  The drop off service is particularly useful for individuals who are high risk or have mobility issues and are unable to visit the food bank.

Contact: admin@icecbattersea.org.uk



Non-paid for food-supporting residents in Latchmere Ward. Hot meals provided three days a week Tuesday 5pm, Thursday 5pm and Sunday Roast 3pm.

They also provide bespoke food boxes, collect prescriptions, do food shopping and will be starting telephone calls with trained councillors. Please call 075 1902 0181 or 020 7924 3549 or email chair@kambala.org.uk


NHS Responders

Paid for food. For those required to clinically extremely vulnerable required to shield or with disabilities, or newly socially vulnerable – the full list is found here: https://volunteering.royalvoluntaryservice.org.uk/nhs-volunteer-responders-portal/isolating


Rackets Cubed

Only work in partnership with schools for Community Boxes, so if a participating school refers a family then they can usually accommodate the provision of a weekly box. They are providing weekly essential food, personal hygiene, activity and educational content and support in ‘Community Boxes’ to young families identified as the most vulnerable. By working directly with local schools, and Council officers, they are able to identify and support young families who have lost family income and have not yet been adequately provided for by state provision or alternative sources. Contacts: Michael Hill Michaelhill@racketscubed.com

Nikki Rossner nikkirossner@racketscubed.com  



Battersea Day Centre is reopening in 26 April. This is for lunches and activities. Any new people over 60 are welcome to contact Regenerate-RISE if they’re interested in attending. 

The Putney Day Centre will be opening end of May. 

Supply bags are ending at the end of April and we can no longer do shopping or collect prescriptions. 

We’ll still be delivering hot lunches 4 days a week from both Centres at £6 per meal - main, dessert and carton of juice. People can contact us for a menu. Over 60s only. 

Contact number: 020 8780 9330 www.regenerate-rise.co.uk


Southfields Grid Alliance

Local, trusted representatives will be on hand if needed to do anything required for the elderly, vulnerable or self-isolating. For example, things like: running errands, doing the shopping or having a friendly chat by phone, dog walking, picking up prescriptions. Contact: Rebecca Watts 077 3481 8540 or email rebeccadwatts@yahoo.com


The Wiser Collective

Intergenerational community group with a new Covid-safe, outdoor initiative: Walk Buddies is open to anyone who would like to meet local neighbours of all ages for a gentle stroll and chat on Tooting, Wandsworth or Clapham Commons (more locations coming soon). For details visit www.thewisercollective.com or email info@thewisercollective.com. (Referrals from social prescribers and local healthcare providers/community support groups welcome)


Tooting Community Kitchen

Reach out within Wandsworth and surrounding areas and provide hot food, food packs, sleeping bags and other essential supplies. They deliver to refugee centres, hospitals, and shelters. Tooting Community Kitchen have a weekly hot food stall in SW17 - if any guests visit their stall on Wednesday or Saturday, it is all free. Contact, please email: admin@tootingcommunitykitche.co.uk.


Wandsworth Community Transport (WCT)

WCT is operating its door to door Shopping Shuttle for elderly/disabled Wandsworth residents. Limited numbers are permitted on the minibus to comply with social distancing.  There are some spaces available, so please contact us if you are interested in using this service.  The programme of day trips to the coast will resume in June.
Please contact us on 020 8675 7460 or w.c.t@btconnect.com.


Waste Not Want Not

Led by Hadas Hagos - distributing food to local people: https://www.facebook.com/WasteNotWantNotProject/

Communication preference is text on 074 7766 0692. If not please email at info@wastenotwantnot-battersea.org. Please telephone if you cannot text/email.


WoW Mums

Delivering food to Haven Lodge, John Kirk house and Doris Emmerton sheltered housing accommodation. Call: 078 1166 0580. Also supporting local primary schools in Battersea.


Mental Health

Online Resources

Wandsworth Council Website Online Resources - https://www.wandsworth.gov.uk/coronavirus additional resources https://www.wandsworth.gov.uk/health-and-social-care/public-health/coronavirus/health-and-wellbeing-during-coronavirus/

PHE’s Every Mind Matters - https://www.nhs.uk/oneyou/every-mind-matters/   advice and practical tips to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing.

Wandsworth Carers Centre Online Resources - https://www.carerswandsworth.org.uk/covid-19-resources/looking-after-your-mental-health/                                                                                                                                                                                           


A Listening Ear


Free confidential service for anyone at this time having any difficulties or issues such as anxiety, isolation, stress, redundancy, trauma, questions about life, on the frontline or key workers, loss, relationships, abuse, parents, special needs, depression, difficult thoughts, BPD, psychosis, any mental health, etc. to talk to one of the psychoanalysts within 24 hours. By phone or online such as Zoom, WhatsApp, Skype. It can be one conversation or several or become ongoing therapy and analysis. People can contact directly or ask someone else to refer them, whichever they prefer. We receive many people directly or from all sorts of services, organisations and groups.

Contact by: 0203 925 4741 or https://facebook.com/listening.ear.3304 or email: Alisteningear197@gmail.com



For all counselling and psychotherapy referrals the new email is referrals@mindworksuk.co.uk



24 Hour service to help people in distress talk about their feelings. Freephone call: 116 123   https://www.samaritans.org/


Sound Minds

Reaching out in a spirit of friendship

  • Advice about the virus to ensure you understand the action you and any people in your household should take in the event of infection, particularly if you are in an 'at risk' group.
  • Updates on the status of Sound Minds and Canerows services and new online services as we develop them
  • Helping you to cope with isolation and the absences of the community services that used to offer face to face support
  • Ensuring that you have sufficient food and resources in isolation and organising help if you don't
  • Bringing you up to date on other services you may use and may access such as foodbanks, advice, online help etc.
  • Supporting you in the style that suits you and agreeing on the frequency of contacts.
  • We are also introducing online versions of some of the services that we are more traditionally associated with, including the choir, some collaborative music composition and tuition.

We are taking new referrals for this service for people living with mental health issues and resident in Wandsworth or other South West London boroughs.
Call Sound Minds on 020 7207 1876.


Talk Wandsworth

Provide free confidential help for problems such as stress, worry and low mood. Offer talking therapies for people over the age of 18. You can refer yourself or be referred by a healthcare professional such as your GP. Please do refer using the referral tab on the website: https://www.talkwandsworth.nhs.uk/ or visit the wellbeing events link for up and coming support below.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

If you want information about how to take care of yourself and those around you during the Coronavirus outbreak, please use the link below to the NHS Every Mind Matters page which has guidance, advice and tips on how to manage mental wellbeing at this uncertain time: https://www.nhs.uk/oneyou/every-mind-matterstalkwandsworthadmin@swlstg.nhs.uk                

For immediate support, Monday-Friday, 9am-5 pm, tel: 020 3513 6264, choose option 4


Wandsworth Wellbeing Hub

Free and impartial NHS service which aims to help patients and the public to find organisations and services to support their health and wellbeing needs. Call: 0203 880 0366 or email: waccg.wandsworthhub@nhs.net  Community Navigators are available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, on 020 8812 6700 or simply visit the website www.wandsworthccg.nhs.uk/hub.


Wandsworth Your Way

Your Way works alongside individuals as they overcome obstacles and move forward with their life. That could include managing mental health, finding new hobbies and social activities, solving housing issues, organising finances, reducing need for mental health services

Enquiry line: 078 7423 5865, email: Wandsworthyourway@together-uk.org            

Our opening hours - Monday to Friday 9-5.  



Diabetes UK

Have a dedicated helpline and online tools to help people who with type 1 and 2 diabetes. www.diabetes.org.uk 0345 123 2399 Monday to Friday 9-6pm


Link workers/Social prescribers/Enable

Supporting GP practices help people most vulnerable. GPs refer patients who need support and Link Workers provide telephone appointments. Link Workers then connect people with the support they need which could include help getting food supplies or medication, connecting to a befriending service, or referring for financial help. Link workers make onward referrals to voluntary or community organisation that can provide appropriate support.

Call 0203 959 0033 or email: waccg.socialprescribing@nhs.net. Open 9am-5pm Monday to Friday.


Paul’s Cancer Support Centre

The Centre will close from Wednesday 4th November and seek to reopen on Wednesday 2nd December subject to government guidance. Will continue to offer and provide online counselling and wellbeing activities/groups. Appointments can be booked, call: 020 7924 3924 or email: support@pauls.org.uk. For more details please visit: https://www.pauls.org.uk



Continues to provide services it has been commissioned to deliver in the borough, details at https://spectra-london.org.uk/spectra-in-wandsworth/ All counselling has moved to online delivery, while face to face testing for HIV and STI have been suspended, they are providing online support via outreach sessions to anyone needing advice and information on sourcing online tests. Produced a short tutorial on how the STI kits work at www.bit.ly/SpectraSHLDemoVid Their website and phone service monitored 7 days a week, 10am to 5pm, and people can call or live chat via their website at www.spectra-london.org.uk



Wandsworth Carers Centre

Remains open and will continue to deliver support over the phone and email wherever possible.

The Centre appreciates this might be an anxious time for Carers and the people you care for, and want to reassure you that despite these changes, Wandsworth Carers’ Centre is still here to support you.


Please do not hesitate to contact us on either 020 8877 1200, from 9:30am to 5:30pm, Monday to Friday or email info@wandsworthcarers.org.uk

For organisations that want to refer clients, please use the following email: support@wandsworthcarers.org.uk


Children, Young People & Families

Catch 22 Young People’s Health

Clients can access this service via their website where they will be directed to complete a Catch 22 Referral Form and send it to YPHealth.Office@catch-22.org.uk Clients will be offered telephone counselling.



Families Together

Their face-to-face monthly meetings are suspended but will be restarted as soon as possible. In the meantime, they plan to provide the same level of support over the next few months, via telephone, email, and virtual monthly meetings. A third Zoom meeting is held each month specifically for parents of trans children.


Two Zoom meetings are held per month but you will first need to contact the helpline to access this service 01189 403 160 or 07951 104 745, between 9am and 9pm.

Please email info@familiestogetherlondon.com for more information.


Home Start Wandsworth

The usual face to face support to families has moved online and they are making deliveries to those who are isolated, and directly providing supplies that meet basic needs as well as improving quality of life under lockdown. Also signposting and referring to a host of other services that can help their families. emailom Homestart at enquiries@homestartwandsworth.org.uk


Iconic Steps

It is open to all young people, to be kept up to date on the latest courses, please follow their social media @iconic_steps (Twitter) @iconicsteps (Instagram)


Little Village

Currently only accepting very urgent referrals:

  • for families with a new born baby (30 weeks pregnant or baby under 3 months) or
  • for families in emergency situations with nothing for their children (for example: victims of domestic violence, trafficking, modern slavery or recent asylum arrivals).
  • Families must live in one of these boroughs: Brent, Barnet, Bromley, Camden, City of Westminster, City of London, Corydon, Greenwich, Haringey, Hackney, Hammersmith and Fulham, Islington, Kensington and Chelsea, Kingston upon Thames, Lambeth, Merton, Lewisham, Richmond upon Thames, Southwark, Sutton, Tower Hamlets, Wandsworth


More information ,including geographical scope of the service, and a link to the referral form can be found here (referrals must be made by a referrer and online): https://littlevillagehq.org/wandsworth/make-a-referral/


Sen Talk CIC

Aims to provide better outcomes for children with special educational needs and is dedicated to improving the emotional and social development of children with autism and ADHD.


From Thursday 5th November Sen Talk will not be providing face-to-face support for parents and carers at the Katherine Low Settlement. Instead, parent projects will be provided through remote secure platforms. The services provided include: virtual monthly peer support coffee mornings; parent space counselling; minds matter mentoring for children and young people.


For the full list of services and more information, please call: 020 7223 1694, 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday or via email at info@sentalk.org   Referrals to Sen Talk can be made by parents and carers themselves or made on behalf of a family from a professional using this online form https://sentalk.wufoo.com/forms/z1klixsi0e9v7pc/


Time to Shine Kids

A small not for profit organisation supporting young people with emotional well-being and neuro-diverse challenges to build self-esteem and confidence. Incorporating horses, trained professionals offer healing and learning in a non-judgemental environment. No previous experience with horses required and no riding is involved. Their centre is based in Lower Morden, Surrey. They offer individual, family, and small group sessions during this time as either online sessions or in person sessions. For more information visit: www.timetoshinekids.org


Learning Disability



Outreach services are now operating back at pre-covid levels and delivering 1-1 support to approximately 85 individuals living in the Wandsworth Borough.

Our group health and wellbeing on-premises activities have also increased their capacity by 50% and we expect to return to full group activities by the end of June.

Alternative provision in the form of Zoom activities are still available to the few who cannot yet attend in person and our social opportunities programme still remains on-line.

Youth Services are delivering a mix of on-premises and zoom session and are able to do so at their maximum capacity of 15 young people.

Staff are regularly Covid tested (both PCR and LFT) and for the most part, staff teams are taking up the vaccines.

Office is now well staffed and the phone line is operational. Department managers can be contacted via 02088796333.


Share Community

Open and running services as normal, but with some changes to benefit people who unable to attend in person.   Making good use of technology to provide opportunities for people who may be shielding to continue to access Share sessions, and an outreach service. About to launch a new befriending scheme to support people’s wellbeing. Opened a centre in Brixton which is more convenient for their Lambeth students. Ensured that all of their premises meet the highest standards of hygiene and cleanliness. Social distancing is in place, and people wearing face coverings when moving around the buildings. New ventilation systems have been installed and all activities take place in rooms that have windows and sources of fresh air. Continue to offer lunches to people attending the centre at Altenburg Gardens in a way that ensures safe social distancing. 

Share supports disabled people, mostly those with learning disabilities, who may also have autism. Run a varied programme of courses and activities to promote health and wellbeing, independence, employability, and social inclusion. Their main centre is in Battersea.   Their horticulture project in Tooting provides open air activities that are therapeutic and can lead to vocational qualifications. The catering project leads to qualifications and can be a step into the hospitality industry. The also offer programmes in digital skills, independent living, navigating the community, English and Maths, art and self-expression, music, and exercise for wellbeing www.sharecommunity.org.uk


LGBQT Support

Free2b Alliance
Currently delivering all 1-2-1 mentoring and counselling sessions online as well as youth groups. For new members who live in London and would like to access their digital youth clubs, parent group and / or 1:1 support please download and complete the membership form via the link below:


Older People

Age UK Wandsworth (AUKW)

Are committed to supporting older Wandsworth residents throughout the Covid-19 crisis and are working hard to ensure the most vulnerable are supported. Here are just some of the ways AUKW can provide additional support at this time: shopping; exercise and wellbeing; information and advice; LGBTQ+ Chats; and all other services operating with some changes. More information here: https://www.ageuk.org.uk/wandsworth/about-us/coronavirus-support/


AUKW offices are open but not for drop-ins. Staff are available to offer telephone support and appointments booked in advance. Office hours: Mon-Thurs: 10am-3pm, tel no: 020 8877 8940.


Alzheimer's Society Dementia Support Service Wandsworth

Regular calls to people with dementia and their carers who need support. Information sent by email or post about dementia related issues. Running regular virtual groups for service users. Phone support is also available. For more information, contact: wandsworth@alzheimers.org.uk or tel: 020 8687 0922


Furzedown Project

Are maintaining contact with the vulnerable, isolated older people who constitute our membership or live in their immediate locality. Additional support and signposting are available if someone is experiencing severe difficulty.

Please get in touch with the project direct 020 8677 4283




Are working with the isolated elderly across the borough of Wandsworth. They provide a weekly supply bag of essential food and toiletries to members and new referrals who need it, make regular phone calls to their 180 members and are starting to make calls to new referrals who want them.


They can do shopping, collect prescriptions, and make and deliver hot lunches 5 days a week for anyone who wants them. Lunches usually cost £7 but are only £4 now due to receiving funding. Lunch includes a cooked meal, dessert, and a carton of juice. Contact number: 020 8780 9330 www.regenerate-rise.co.uk


Wandsworth Older People's Forum - Making older voices heard

Aims: to give older people an active voice in stating their needs and views on local and national issues that concern them​; to promote the importance of acknowledging and respecting the dignity and worth of older people; positively combat age discrimination. https://www.wopf.org.uk/

Contact: lilias.gillies@btinternet.com or 020 8672 5592


Katherine Low Settlement

Support for elders, refugees, women, and young people and families in Battersea. The team offers a wide range of support including telephone friendship/support calls to any elders and vulnerable people in Battersea that would like them.

Please visit: www.klsettlement.org.uk and call: 020 7223 2845 and email: info@klsettlement.org.uk   We're here to help!


Additional Sources of Support

A2i Dyslexia

A2i services are up and running including Dyslexia screenings and all one-to-one consultations which will be carried out remotely. Dyslexia assessments have also resumed at our office which is now Covid-proof with social distancing measures in place. Children services/tuition can also be arranged and carried out online. Workplace/education Dyslexia talks are also available for bookings and to be held via zoom/google hangouts and other online platforms. info@a2idyslexia.org.uk



A small not-for-profit organisation run by parents/carers living and caring for a child or adult on the Autistic Spectrum, raising awareness and understanding from different perspectives, outreaching also to the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities (BAME) and Dual Heritage Community tackling the taboos and myths around Autism. A range of support offered in group sessions and 1:1. Due to COVID-19 regular online coffee mornings, workshops, and conferences have been hosted.

Please check website for more details: https://www.a2ndvoice.com/


Corona Kids
Currently have two projects to support Wandsworth residents. 

Prisoner Families Peer Support group: A monthly gathering over Zoom for families looking after children with a family member in prison. The group offers company, support, advice and information. Email info@coronakids.co.uk or call 077 2477 2615 for more information

Welfare Telephone Support Service for BAME prisoner families with and a family member serving a sentence at HMP Wandsworth.

A confidential telephone support service for Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic families caring for children. Families will receive immediate support to connect them to local sources of help. This is a Big Lottery Corona Virus support funded project. Email info@coronakids.co.uk or call 077 2477 2615 for more information.


Domestic Violence Helpline

Contact Domestic Violence Helpline 24/7 on 0808 2000 247 or alternatively visit https://www.nationaldahelpline.org.uk/How-can-we-support-you


Victim Support Wandsworth

Contact your GP or Victim Support on 020 7801 1777 or vs.wandsworth@victimsupport.cjs, net


Wandsworth Bereavement Service

Provides one-to-one counselling following a death for anyone who lives in the Borough of Wandsworth.

At present a mix of online (via Zoom) and face to face sessions are being offered - we have a limited number of face to face sessions available so the waiting time maybe longer. If bereavement counselling is held online, there must be a safe and confidential space in which to have sessions as well as having access to a good internet connection to use Zoom.

Please phone or email the office to make an initial appointment. 


An initial assessment session is arranged and then, if counselling is required, 12 weekly sessions of counselling are offered. Please phone the office to make an initial appointment. If the office staff are busy, you will get the answering machine but please do not be put off by this - leave a message, and someone will return your call as soon as possible.

a: 192 Lavender Hill, London SW11 5TQ

t: 020 7223 3178

e: enquiries@wandsworthbereavement.org.uk

e: children@wandsworthbereavement.org.uk


Local Faith Groups

Lots of local faith groups are doing their bit to support local people during these difficult times. Do contact your local faith group for more information and help. Use ‘google’ to find them.


Autumn Rose Club
The  Balham SDA Church, in partnership with other churches, has been continuing our community support donating and offering food parcels and clothing as needed.
The Autumn Rose Senior Club exercise/luncheon club has been closed since the lockdown due to COVID19 pandemic.  Our seniors are not happy having to stay at home "social distancing" for whom some don't see anyone from one week to the next,  To keep up the interest of  users we had to use videos and online exercise resources.  Giving telephone guidance to individuals who do not have anyone in their home to assist with accessing technology device.  We also had to talk through some of the seniors how to connect to telephone conferencing for online prayer and seeking counselling.
Pastor Bernard Akapo 07958 495 852 
Joy Alexander 07766 161 346


Balham Mosque
Are offering support during these challenging timesLet them know if there is anything they can help you with. They can assist in shopping on your behalf and providing cooking ingredients or cooked meals that can be delivered by one of our volunteers.
More than just the supplies you may require, they understand that this is a very mentally challenging time. Should you wish to speak to someone for reassurance or just to get something off your chest, or you may have a family member who needs counselling to get through the these very scary times, then please do reach out to us and we will point you in the direction or get the right person to call you back. 
Call: 300 30 30 694


Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association UK
Currently we are mainly supporting those who have contacted us directly asking for help. Whether it is doing their shopping, picking up medicine, posting mail or even to just have someone to talk to. We are here for them.
In regards to food distribution, we are more than happy to help as well. AMYA itself in the UK has regular food drives where we provide meals to the less fortunate. If you require support in distributing food, we would be happy to help
M: 07938 869329 


South West London Vineyard Church 
Operating out of our community centre, The Yard on the Ashburton Estate, we are here to provide care & support to those who find themselves vulnerable & most at risk across the borough. We can help you with shopping, prescriptions, prayer, a friendly chat or any other help you may need. 
Please call our team on 020 8785 9530 or email: mail@swlv.org.uk
We’d love to hear from you and help you get through this difficult time.


St Michael's Wandsworth Common

Currently we are collecting food and supplies and arranging drop offs for elderly people in our partnership with Regenerate-RISE. We can help with shopping and prescription runs through volunteers. We run worship services on Zoom and prayer through the week.
020 7924 3450 or 07970 259580 or via email at tewins@smwc.online

Funding for individuals experiencing hardship and living in Battersea



Battersea United Charities (provide small grants to individuals living in Battersea): https://batterseaunitedcharities.org.uk/

Turn2Us (provide small grants to individuals across the UK): https://www.turn2us.org.uk/


Mutual Aid Groups


Covid Mutual Aid (directory of groups across the UK): https://covidmutualaid.org/

A complete list of London’s Coronavirus Mutual Aid Groups – local volunteer groups helping those who are self-isolating with grocery shopping, dog walking and other daily tasks.

Wandsworth/Battersea Covid-19 Mutual Aid: https://www.facebook.com/groups/BatterseaMutualAid/

Putney Coronavirus Mutual Support Group: 

Putney & Wandsworth Covid-19 Mutual Aid: https://www.facebook.com/groups/putneywandsworthcovid19/

Earlsfield COVID 19 Mutual Aid: 

Balham Covid-19 Mutual Aid Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/872651583186527/?ref=share

Southfields Covid-19 Mutual Aid Group:


Wandsworth Covid 19 Mutual Aid (Balham, Tooting and Clapham South areas): https://www.facebook.com/groups/2712863618831932/

 If your organisation wants to be added to this list please email: communications@wandcareall.org.uk


Project Background

The main objective of the project is to help those who are struggling to make ends meet. We will provide an emergency weeks worth of groceries to individuals and families who have accommodation but are going through a crisis. The ICEC Food Bank runs twice a week from our centre.  All our food parcels contain enough content to suffice an average size family for a week.

How to claim

There are 2 ways you can use the food bank programme:

1) Vouchers

We have partnered with a number of institutions in Wandsworth such as schools, GPs, Citizens Advice Bureau and Katherine Lowe. The partners will carry an assessment and send us the details .

2) Self Referral

You can complete the self referral form below. If you need help completing the form please contact us and we’ll be happy to help.


Food collection

The Food back collection service runs twice a week; Thursday at 10am and Sunday at 12.30pm.

We can also drop it off as part of the drop off service.  The drop off service is particularly useful for individuals who are high risk or have mobility issues and are unable to visit the food bank.

Other way you can help

Donations – We have a food donation point located in the main foyer of the mosque. You can also make donations through our JutGiving page https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/icecfoodbank

Partnerships – We believe that by working together with local support groups we can make a bigger difference. For more information on how to partner with us please call us on 0789807178.

Communication – If you come across anyone that requires food support, make them aware of this service.

Volunteer – Use this link to register your interest https://forms.gle/DqtJ4XtWzBMC2hpd8


A Listening Ear

Free confidential service for anyone at this time having any difficulties or issues such as anxiety, isolation, stress, redundancy, trauma, questions about life, on the frontline or key workers, loss, relationships, abuse, parents, special needs, depression, difficult thoughts, BPD, psychosis, any mental health, etc. to talk to one of the psychoanalysts within 24 hours. By phone or online such as Zoom, WhatsApp, Skype. It can be one conversation or several or become ongoing therapy and analysis. People can contact directly or ask someone else to refer them, whichever they prefer. We receive many people directly or from all sorts of services, organisations and groups.