Community Solar Energy Scheme

The Community Solar Energy Scheme, 'The CSES’  ,  has been proposed by Essex County Council in Partnership with the Not for Profit Energy Services  Company. (ESCo)  Power Circle.

In outline The scheme will enable homeowners to:

Buy outright, or

No upfront cost Pay as you use option ( when paid for the system becomes yours )

Just buy 'cheaper' green electricity 

Unsuitable Roof? The potential for householders without suitable roof orientation to participate may also be possible with solar allotments or buying surplus from your neighbour (peer to peer)

In all cases batteries will be needed as will Broadband in order for the ESCo to manage the Community resources

Homes that already have solar panels could also join the scheme. Battery requirements are quite restrictive so suitability of those already installed.will need to be verified 

The catchment areas are the Parishes of Great Tey, Chappel, Wakes Colne, White Colne Colne Engaine and Earles Colne. Not resident in one of these Parishes but consider you live in close proximity? 

The mission of the Viaduct is to provide a Forum for the CSES to promote Community awareness, engagement and input into  the scheme. The focus will be to assist in moving the scheme forward and seeking ways to exploit its full potential for the benefit of the Community.. With the widest possible Community support and utilising all the potential roof space identified by the satellite survey the scheme could potentially generate about 6 Megawatts of Solar Power across the Community. 

Read the full  Feasibility Study  

Interested in Joining the Solar Panel Scheme?  Register Your Interest