About the Website


The inspiration for this website stems from the EEC Community Solar Project recently presented to the       4 Parishes. This led me to consider the practicalities of forming a Group of interested Parishioners to further the plan at grass roots level.  Community active support and dialogue with the organisation charged with the Project’s  implementation would help to achieve its maximum benefit. 

 The website  also recognises that there are potentially many more strands to what might be achieved in pursuit of the goals of  Climate Mitigation and Adaptation. 

 The Viaduct as the website identity  was chosen as it is a local landmark which anyone in the area can relate to regardless of their Parish. In any event, a particular project  is likely to involve more than one Parish. and certainly benefit everyone in the locality..

 In conclusion  the objective is to enable every community member the opportunity to make their contribution to Local Action to tackle the greatest challenge of our time. It is in no way intended to circumvent the Parish Councils or any other local organisation and look forward to working with all who share the goals.


Geoffrey Harrison

April 2023