Exciting Updates to Our Youth/After-School Club!



We are thrilled to announce some exciting updates to our Youth/After-School Club at Unity Support Network! Our goal is to provide an enriching and fun experience for all our young participants, and we've made several enhancements to ensure our club is the best place to learn, play, and grow after school.

What’s New:

We’ve updated our club schedule to include more diverse activities ranging from arts and crafts to science experiments and sports to ensure every child finds something they love. We also introduce themed monthly events to keep things exciting and fresh!

Club Rules:

To ensure a safe and enjoyable environment for all, we've established some simple rules for our club members to follow:

  1. Respect Others: Treat everyone with kindness and respect.
  2. Listen and Learn: Pay attention to instructors and participate in activities.
  3. Stay Safe: Remain within designated areas during club hours.
  4. Clean Up: Help keep our space tidy.
  5. Have Fun: Enjoy yourself and make the most of every activity!

These rules are designed to create a supportive and productive environment for all our participants.

Parental Information:

We've prepared a folder with all the necessary documents for parents. This includes detailed information on our policies, safety measures, and guidelines that must be followed to ensure the well-being of every child. Please take the time to read through these important documents to understand how we operate and how you can help us create a better environment for your children.

Registration Details:

Enrollment for the new term is now open! We invite you to register your child to secure their spot in our after-school program. Registration is simple, and all the details are available in our registration document, which you can access here.

Link to Support Documents:

For detailed information about the club, our policies, and the registration process, please click on the following link to access the folder with all necessary documents: Parent Information Folder.

We're excited to welcome your children to our newly improved Youth/After-School Club. Join us for a term filled with learning, laughter, and growth. If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.


© Unity Support Network CIC.   Company Number: 15654913