
Unity Support Network: Building Stronger Communities Together

Welcome to Unity Support Network (USN), a cornerstone of the Charterhouse Road community in the London Borough of Hackney. Founded on the principles of inclusivity and support, USN is dedicated to empowering local residents through a diverse array of activities and programs that cater to all ages.

At USN, we believe in the transformative power of community involvement. Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for young people, families, and elders by providing engaging and supportive environments where they can learn, socialise, and grow. Our activities range from sports and physical fitness sessions to cultural outings and educational workshops, all designed to foster a sense of belonging and collective well-being.

Our team is made up of passionate individuals, including professionals from various fields such as social work, education, and community development, who bring a wealth of knowledge and dedication to our work. Together, we strive to make a positive impact, helping each member of our community to achieve their full potential.

Join us as we continue to build a vibrant, thriving community where everyone is valued and has the opportunity to contribute to and benefit from our shared initiatives. Explore our website to learn more about our services, upcoming events, and how you can get involved in making a difference.

Mission Statement of Unity Support Network

"At Unity Support Network, our mission is to strengthen the fabric of the community in the London Borough of Hackney by providing enriching activities and essential support to young people, families, and elders. We are dedicated to fostering inclusivity, promoting well-being, and enhancing educational and cultural opportunities. Through collaboration and compassion, we strive to empower every individual to thrive and contribute positively to their community."

Founder's Commitment


As the founder of Unity Support Network, I am deeply committed to the well-being and advancement of our community in Hackney. Having worked in social welfare for over 29 years, my experiences with vulnerable groups have shaped my understanding of the challenges faced by many in our community. This understanding drives my dedication to creating a supportive environment where everyone, regardless of their background, can find encouragement, education, and opportunities for personal growth.

My commitment extends beyond providing activities—it is about nurturing a sense of community and belonging. I pledge to continue leveraging my expertise in social work to advocate for and support our families, ensuring that every program and service offered by Unity Support Network not only meets their immediate needs but also empowers them to envision and strive for a brighter future.

At Unity Support Network, we are more than just a service provider; we are a partner in building a resilient community where every voice is heard, and every hand extended in support is welcomed. This is my promise to our community, our participants, and to the future we are building together.

Our Vision

At Unity Support Network, we envision a community where every individual, regardless of age or background, is supported to reach their full potential. Our vision is a vibrant, inclusive Hackney where social, physical, and cultural barriers are dismantled, and all community members have access to the opportunities they need to succeed.

We see a future where young people are inspired and equipped to pursue their dreams, where families thrive in a supportive environment, and where elders are respected and engaged. Through ongoing collaboration and innovative programming, we aim to build a cohesive community that celebrates diversity and fosters mutual respect and understanding.

Together, we are committed to making this vision a reality, ensuring that Hackney remains a place of opportunity, growth, and unity.

Why Unity Support Network?

Choosing Unity Support Network means becoming part of a movement dedicated to fostering lasting positive change within the community of Hackney. Here are just a few reasons why partnering with us can make a meaningful difference:

Comprehensive Support: We offer a wide range of activities tailored to meet the diverse needs of our community members—from young children to the elderly. Each program is designed to promote not only physical and mental well-being but also educational advancement and cultural enrichment.

Experienced Leadership: Led by a founder with nearly three decades of social work experience, our team is equipped with the knowledge and empathy required to address complex community challenges. We understand the nuances of social support and are committed to applying this expertise to benefit all participants.

Community-Centric Approach: Our initiatives are built with the community, for the community. We actively engage with residents to ensure our services reflect and respond to their needs, creating a tailored approach that truly benefits the local populace.

Strong Partnerships: We collaborate with local organisations, statutory services, and community leaders to enhance our offerings and extend our reach. These partnerships help us to provide a holistic support system and open up a wider array of opportunities for our participants.

Proven Impact: Over the years, our activities have consistently shown positive outcomes, from improved academic performance in young people to enhanced social connections among elders. Our commitment to quality and impactful services makes us a trusted pillar in the community.

At Unity Support Network, we're more than just a service provider—we're a dedicated ally in the pursuit of a healthier, more inclusive, and thriving Hackney. Join us in making a difference that not only lasts today but echoes into the future of our community.

What Sets Us Apart

Unity Support Network stands out in the landscape of community support organisations for several compelling reasons:

Holistic Approach: Unlike many other organisations that focus on a single aspect of community support, we offer a comprehensive range of programs that address the physical, mental, educational, and social needs of individuals and families. This holistic approach ensures that every aspect of community well-being is nurtured.

Grounded in Local Needs: Our programs are specifically designed around the needs and feedback of the Hackney community. We continuously adapt our offerings to meet the evolving challenges and opportunities within the community, ensuring that our impact is both relevant and profound.

Expert Leadership: Our organisation benefits from the seasoned expertise of our founder, a professional social worker with decades of experience in handling complex social issues. This deep understanding of social dynamics and individual needs ensures that our programs are both effective and empathetic.

Commitment to Diversity: We celebrate the rich cultural tapestry of Hackney and strive to create inclusive programs that reflect and respect this diversity. Our activities are designed to bring people together, promote mutual understanding, and encourage a cohesive community spirit.

Sustained Engagement: We believe in the power of sustained support. Our programs are not one-off events but part of a continuous effort to build and maintain long-term relationships with community members. This ongoing engagement helps us to make a lasting difference in the lives of those we serve.

Innovative Solutions: At Unity Support Management, we embrace innovation to solve traditional problems. Whether it's through incorporating technology in our educational programs or exploring new models of community engagement, we are always looking for better ways to serve our community.

By focusing on these unique strengths, Unity Support Network not only addresses immediate community needs but also builds the foundation for a stronger, more resilient Hackney. Join us as we continue to innovate, inspire, and impact every day.

 Join Us

As you have learned about what sets Unity Support Network apart, we hope you are inspired to join us in our mission to uplift and empower the Hackney community. Your involvement can make a significant difference, whether you choose to participate in our programs, volunteer your time, or support us through donations.

Together, we can continue to build on our successes and reach even greater heights. By joining Unity Support Network, you become part of a passionate team that values every individual's contribution towards a stronger, healthier, and more vibrant community.

Explore our website to learn more about how you can get involved, or contact us directly to start making a difference today. Your journey with Unity Support Network begins now—let's make a positive impact together.

© Unity Support Network CIC.   Company Number: 15654913