Currently 85% of people relapse within the first year. 

The social and economic burden costs 32.3 billion pounds per year.

That could be in part to the fact that AA has a 5-10% success rate.

Or the fact that they aren't getting the right support once they are clean.


Re-offending upon release from prison is average 31% with some groups as high as 67%.

The cost to the economy is 18 billion pounds per year.

It could come from not being given a chance to succeed and get a job they are forced to go back to the old ways.


Mental health plays a huge part in both of these areas 

Mental health costs the economy 105 billion pounds per year.


These 3 areas cost the UK 155 billion pounds per year.


Now imagine this idea was a success and we managed to ease that burden and say shave 30 billion off the government's costs and that money could be re-invested to ease the cost of living crisis.