Community Blog

One of the guests wrote the following poem to say ‘thank you’ to the shelter at Barnet.  He has now moved into accommodation.

The Night Winter Shelter

They walk along the lonely street
Every now and then stop to rest their feet
Hair all matted and fingernails black
And carrying their life upon their back
That shop doorway looks good or that sheltered bench
To get out of the rain before they get drenched
God love them, these people have nowhere to go
Hoping for help but no-one wants to know
Poor rejects of life’s rich tapestry
Walk through life without hope, wearily
What is the purpose, where will it end
No home, no job, no family or friend
Some of them beg for hot food and tea
Others will beg for beer or whiskey
A few of them won’t ‘cos they have too much pride
And suffer in silence by the roadside
They were in a dark tunnel, at the end was a light
It wasn’t easy to see ‘cos it wasn’t that bright
But as they drew nearer the light became clearer
The illumination was a place to stay for the night
Greeted with a smile and a hot cup of tea
Friendly people said, “Come with me”
And led them to a place that they could rest
Just like a bird keeping young warm in a nest
Even though it seemed strange it was plain to see
This was a place filled with harmony
Generous, caring, considerate and kind
A place they could leave their horrid day behind
And when they finally rest their head
A chance of comfort on an unconcrete bed
Given time to reflect on the next coming day
Secure in the knowledge they’ll have somewhere to stay
So thank you, Night Shelter, for the service you run
Helping the homeless, all the good you have done
Your pure human kindness is a joy to behold
For taking less fortunates in from the cold

James Lamb, 11.02.2011