
Every year a Parish Council must complete an Annual Return to an External Auitor after it has been approved by an Internal Auditor and the Parish Council according to Schedule 2 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014


1 April 2016 -  31 March 2017  
 1 April 2017-31 March 2018  
 1 April 2018-31 March 2019  variences explanation
 1st April2019- March 2020  audit return 2018-19
 AGAR 19/20  audit return 2018-19 pt 2
 governance statement 19/20  
 internal audit 19/20  exercise of public rights 19/20
 1st April 2020- 31st March 2021 1st April 2023-24
 Agar 20/21 exercise of public rights 23/2
 audit return Agar 23/24
 exercise of public rights 20/21 audit form 23/24
 1st April 2021-31st March 2022  
 Agar 21/22  
 audit return pt2 pt3  
 exercise of public rights 21/22  
 1st April 22/23  
 Agar 22/23  

making provision for exercise of rights