We have had a lovely mention in May's Your Dog magazine for our help with finding Nelly.

 Nelly1Nelly 2

Our television spot for Thats' TV Surrey can be found on our facebook page.


Our short BBC Surrey and Sussex intervew as part of their 'Make a Difference' campaign, promoting our Check-A-Chip morning, hosted by Surrey Dog School at Apps Court Farm, Walton-

Check A Chip BBC


Please see our latest coverage in the About Thames Ditton magazine- 


https://www.aboutthamesditton.co.uk/ - Surrey Missing Pet Support CIC was very generously covered in their '5 Minutes With' feature 

FB: https://www.facebook.com/AboutTD 


Listen to our short interview with BBC Radio Surrey and Sussex as part of their 'Make a Difference' campaign here:

BBC Surrey and Sussex


Our 'In Conversation With' Interview with Surrey Hills Community Radio:
