Programme for 2019
29th January A guide - Hoghton Tower
26th February David Hewitt - Joseph 1917: the story of Joseph Blackburn
26th March Trevor Kirkham - A ramble around a Civil War sampler
30th April Dr David Hunt - Local History from the Air
21st May Mark Dowding - Lancashire songs and dialect writing
25th June AGM followed by Sir Peter Openshaw's lecture about the history of St Saviour’s Stydd (click here to download lecture)
24th September Bill McCartney - Thomas Noblet: Joiner from the Fylde 1725-1746
29th October: Nick Watherspoon - Lawrie Bond the micro-car man
26th November: Steve Halliwell - Moses Holden: The self-educated genius
3rd December: Christmas Party - Joint with RAGS to be held at the Ribchester Sports and Social Club