Pleshey is a beautiful village in the heart of the Essex Countryside.

It is a conservation area due to a variety of factors but especially the earth work remains of a Motte and bailey castle.It has a population of approximately 200 electors.

The Parish Council meets monthly on a Wednesday (Excluding July / August / December)

The Parish Council supports the Stop Standsted Expansion due to increased noise levels over the Parish

  Find us on Facebook to keep up to date.

Meeting Dates 2024

10.01.2024        Monthly Meeting @ 8PM

14.02.2024        Monthly Meeting @ 8PM

13.03.2024        Monthly Meeting @ 8PM

10.04.2024        Monthly Meeting @ 8PM

08.05.2024        AGM & Monthly Meetings @ 8PM

11.09.2024        Monthly Meeting @ 8PM                                   

09.10.2024        Monthly Meeting @ 8PM                                               

13.11.2024        Monthly Meeting @ 8PM

15.01.2025        Monthly Meeting @ 8PM

12.02.2025        Monthly Meeting @ 8PM

12.03.2025        Monthly Meeting @ 8PM

09.04.2025        Monthly Meeting @ 8PM

07.05.2025        AGM & Monthly Meetings @ 8PM

14.05.2025        Annual Assembly of the Parish


Pleshey Meeting Dates 2023


11th Jan            Monthly Meeting at 8pm. 

8th   Feb           Monthly Meeting at 8pm. 

8th   Mar           Monthly Meeting at 8pm. 

12th Apr           Monthly Meeting at 8pm. 

10th May          Annual Assembly at 8pm. 

17th May          Monthly Meeting and AGM @ 8PM

14th June         Monthly Meeting at 8pm

13th Sep          Monthly Meeting at 8pm

11th Oct           Monthly Meeting at 8pm

8th Nov           Monthly Meeting at 8pm

 Pleshey Meeting dates 2022

 Wed      12.01.2022           Monthly Meeting @ 8PM

                09.02.2022           Monthly Meeting @ 8PM

                09.03.2022           Monthly Meeting @ 8PM

                13.04.2022           Monthly Meeting @ 8PM

                04.05.2022           Annual Parish Assembly @ 8PM

                11.05.2022           Monthly Meeting and AGM @ 8PM

                08.06.2022           Monthly Meeting @ 8PM

                13.07.2022           Extra-Ordinary Planning Meeting @ 8PM

                14.09.2022           Monthly Meeting @ 8PM

                12.10.2022           Monthly Meeting @ 8PM

                09.11.2022           Monthly Meeting @ 8PM

                23.11.2022           ExtraOrdinary Meeting @ 8PM