The original Pentraeth Village Hall was constructed in the 1940s and gifted in trust for the benefit of the surrounding communities by the Plas Gwyn Estate in 1948, in memory of Claude Panton Vivian of Plas Gwyn, who gave his life at the Battle of Caen, 18th July 1944 aged just 24.
The World War II Memorial listing Claude Panton Vivian in the Hall car park.
The Hall was used by residents and local groups and for reading newspapers, parties, sales and there was an outdoor party to celebrate the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953
Local groups like the WI met here and Jumble Sales were popular
Eventually the old Hall was now longer fot for purpose and in 2000 plans were put in place for the construction of a new Hall in a different position but a modern building suitable for 21st century. This was built with grants and local donations and is now the cornerstone for many local events