14. The close season will be strictly observed - 15th March to 15th June.

15. Members may fish THREE rods at one time in the Association's waters provided they hold a current EA license of the appropriate category and, in doing so, must not interfere with, or restrict, the pleasure of any other angler.

Note: Any Marker Floats must not be placed so that they restrict other anglers and must be removed at the end of each session.

16. Fishing is with rod and line only. All nets to conform to current EA standards.

   Landing nets: To be of a suitable size ( see Carp & Pike rules) and undamaged.

   Keepnets: To be of a suitable size and undamaged.

   Floating Retainers: To be of a suitable size and any fish must be released if requested by a bailiff.

   Keepsacks: Not allowed under any circumstances.

17. Micro and barbless hooks only to be used on club waters. The exception to this being Pike fishing where semi-barbless trebles and snap tackles may be used. 

18. The playing of radios or any other musical appliance is prohibited.

19. Alcohol and non-prescribe drugs are not permitted for any member whilst at Mytchett Lake.

20. In the interests of the fish life and as required by the lease, all members are required to return all fish to the water with as little harm and delay as possible. Exceptions to the foregoing are the retention of 6-fish (Max.) caught on the day from the lake for use as livebait.

21.In the interest of the Association all members are required to avoid any action whatsoever that could cause offence to riparian owners, the general public or fellow members, and particularly to avoid leaving litter of any description.

  Parking Members using vehicles must make every effort to avoid causing an obstruction by not parking in front of the barrier, or along the track.


  Wildlife Any member found disturbing or injuring the wildlife on or around the lake is liable to be explled from the Association and face possible prosecution.

  Visitors Any member who has visitors in & around their swims whilst fishing is responsible for their conduct at all times.

  Dogs All dogs must be kept under control at all times and ideally on a lead.

22. Boat permits are available at an additional cost to all members of age 18 and over and all users reminded of the following:

   a) For security reasons, no boat or angler is to be within 25m of the Keogh Barracks banks.

   b) The wearing of lifejackets is mandatory while out on the Association waters.

        MLFA accept no responsibilty for anglers failing to comply with this rule.

   c) No fuel powered motors to be fitted to boats.

22. a) The Commanding Officer of Keogh Barracks reserves the right to close all or part of the lake for Military use.

      b) No liability can be accepted by the Commanding Officer of Keogh Barracks, MOD - Defence Estates or Mytchett Lake Fishing Association for any Accident.

23. That on match days the lake will be CLOSED for pleasure fishing 3-hrs prior to the start of an Official match.

24. No member may leave unattended tackle in a swim if he or she is not actually fishing..

25. Members must be in posession of their Current Permits and Rod Licence(s) when fishing Association waters.

26. The organising and rules appertaining to all matches will be the responsibility of the Match Committe.

27. All persons fishing to remove all litter from their swims before & after fishing. Failure to comply will result in suspension / expulsion at the Committe's discretion.

28. All excess bits to be taken away at the end of a session and not discharged into the lake or surrounding area.

29. As a condition of membership, all adult mermbers (excluding senior citizens and disabled anglers) MUST attend at least one working party session per season. Failure to do so will result in additional charges being imposed at the time of permit renewal.

30. The land surrounding the lake is subject to Aldershot Military Bylaws and these will be enforced by non-Association personnel.

31. Due to security concerns, junior members are not permitted to night fish Mytchett Lake unless accompanied by an adult member.


1. A maximum of 2xjuniors per adult member.

2. No junior, even if accompanied by an adult member may night fish 'The Box' (Swim 25/26).