- That the club shall be called "The Mytchett Lake Fishing Association" and its objects shall be:
a) Generally to provide facilities for Local and Military anglers.
b) To rent and manage association waters.
c) Promote fair angling and a spirit of sportsmanship.
d) Arrange for fishing in other waters against other clubs and in competitions etc.
2. The associations business shall be conducted by an Executive Committee comprising Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Match Captain. Four members may form a Quorum. The President shall be an ex-officio member of the committee. Three Trustees shall represent the Association insofar as such Trustee's duties are required, and shall be indemnified out of the assets of the Association against any risk and expense incurred by them in pursuit of their office. The Committee shall have the power to act on behalf of the Association and their decisions shall be final unless reversed by a decision of a meeting as in Paragraph 6 or 7.
3. All Officials shall retire annually but are eligible for re-election.
4. The Committee shall meet regularly to discuss matters to the benefit of the Association.
5. Any Vice-President, Life Member or officially appointed Water Bailiff May attend any meeting of the Committee but shall have no power to vote.
6. The Associations financial year shall end in 31st of March annually and the Annual General Meeting shall be held around the first week of May. All members to be notified in time to allow for the submission of any business to be put on the Agenda. Any member having business to be brought before the Annual General Meeting shall submit any proposal - properly seconded - in writing at least seven days prior to such A.GM. And both proposer and seconded must attend to explain their proposal unless prevented by sickness when they must submit such explanation in writing. At any A.G.M, twelve members shall be a Quorum and all propositions will be decided on a simple majority of those present and voting. In the case of equal vote the Chairman shall have an extra and casting vote.
7. A Special General Meeting may be held at any time that the Committee shall decide. The Committee shall call a Special General Meeting upon requisition in writing of any Thirty senior members for a purpose stated in such a requisition. Any such meeting shall be called within one month of receipt of the requisition and every effort made to notify all members in writing.
8. At any Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting only members in possession of the previous year's permit, and who are over the age of 16, have the right to vote.
9. The Association shall be dissolved by a majority of 75% of Adult members voting after a postal referendum has been circulated to all members explaining the reason for the proposed dissolution.
10. In the event of the Association being dissolved, all assets shall be shared equally among all paid up members based on their proven length of membership of the Association after all the Associations obligations have been met.