Welcome to the personal website of Cllr. Mark Posen, Member and Vice-Chair of Foxearth and Liston Parish Council..
About Me
I first joined the Foxearth and Liston Parish Council in June 2015 and was then reelected in the May 2019 elections.
I am especially interested in issues relating to telecommunications (poor mobile signal and slow broadband), traffic speeds and 'ratruns' through the villages and lanes, and planning. I am very happy to hear from any Parish residents if they have any issues with which I can help.
I am currently the vice-chairman of the Parish Council.
This Website
This website is intended to provide useful information to residents of Foxearth and Liston.
Please see the Useful Links section for information on broadband, how to report potholes and flytipping and other useful stuff!
Contact Me
I may be contacted by email as shown below, or by post c/o the Parish Clerk:
The Clerk, Foxearth and Lison Parish Council, 7 Roach Vale, Colchester, Essex. CO4 3YN
You may also reach me by phone on: 07355 703782 (please leave a message if I'm not available)