Note: All meetings will be Zoom-assisted until further notice.


 September 10th - Chairman's welcome and an opportunity for members to share images taken during the lockdown.

 September 24th - Practical hints in using Photoshop Lightroom and Elements with Ken Payne

 October 8th - Open Colour Competition

Judge: Roy Essery MPAGB

 October 22nd - Open Mono Competition

Judge: Peter Norris DPAGB, AFIAP, BPE3 

 October 29th - My Kinda Street with Tony Bramley FRPS

 November 12thStanding out in a crowd Competition Judge: Thomas Peck

 November 26th - Seasons Competition

Judge: Andy Swain BA (Hons) LRPS,CPAG

 December 10th - Club Christmas Quiz

 January 14th   - Forever Learning with club members  Ann and John Laverock

January 28th - All the gear and no idea with Roger Hance FRPS AFIAP BPE5

 February 11th - Woodland PDI Competition. Judge: Colin Westgate FRPS, MPAGB, APAGB, MFIAP

 February 25th - Contre Jour PDI Competition. Judge: Ron Tear ARPS;MPAGB;PSA3;BPE3

 March 11th - Wildlife of the Tendring Peninsular with Liz Huxley

 March 25th - The Art of Zoo Photography with Tal Chohan

April 8th - Country and Village Life PDI competiton. Judge: Pauline Martindale

April 20th - Granville Foulger PDI Competition - hosted by East Ipswich Camera Club. Judge: Marilyn Steward

 April 22nd - Club Workshop - Your pictures, My way with Tim Stott

 April 29th - The Waters Edge - a celebration of  the British Coast with Tony Worobiec FRPC

May 10th - Interclub competition with Harwich and Dovercourt Camera Club

 May 13th - Images of the Year Competition. Judge: Chrissie Hart ARPS DPAGB

 May 27th - AGM




After 17th May: Outdoor meeting: Bluebells - location tbc

June:               Outdoor meeting: Place for Plants East Bergholt

24/06/21          Cityscapes and Night Photography: Steve Hedges

July                  Outdoor meeting: Danbury Park

[ ] July              Event: Maldon Classic Car Show* tbc

08/07/21          Never underestimate an old lady with a camera: Sally Sallett ARPS, AFIAP, CPAGB,BPE3

August             Outdoor meeting: Bury St Edmunds

12/08/21          Under a Tuscan sky: Ashley Franklin ARPS, ABPPA, APAGB, BPE1*

*it is proposed to highlight in the programme events which may be of interest to members.

Information on such events invited.



 12 November 2020 – Standing Out From a Crowd Competition.

An image depicting a situation or circumstance in which one of a group of, for example, people or animals or objects are very different and easy to notice.

 26 November 2020 – Seasons Competition

 An image providing a dramatic portrayal of one of the four seasons. The image title should include the name of the season portrayed.

 11 February 2021 – Woodland Competition

 An image which captures the MOST compelling aspect of woodland, including landscapes/vistas, woodland flora and fauna.

 25 February 2021 - Contre Jour Competition

 Pictures captured against the light (back lit). The images can be of any subject (objects, people, animals, landscapes) so long as they are “contre jour”.

 8 April 2021 - Country and Village Life Competition

 Images of present-day country and village life which may include people and/or animals, but this is not essential. Shots can use the physical environment itself - streets, buildings, open spaces, tools and technologies - to capture the idea of country and village life.