Here is the July Newsletter with ...

> A message from our Vice Chair.
> WANTED Chairperson
> WANTED Publicity Officer
> Report on the M&DPS Photo Marathon held on 22nd June 2024
> Question about Old Film Gear from a member of the public
> Reminder about the M&DPS Summer Project
> An interesting link from our Programme Secretary
> Events that may be of interest in July
> Latest link for the PAGB Newsletter

20:11, 01 Jul 2024 by Pat Ainger

Here is the June Newsletter with ...

> A message from our Vice Chair.
> Club Dates For Your Diary - M&DPS Photo Marathon 22 June 2024
> A Review of M&DPS activities - May was a very busy month.
> EAF Bulletin link
> PAGB Newsletter link
> Mysteries Of Mistley 2024
> Photo Marathon Rules

09:09, 09 Jun 2024 by Pat Ainger

Here is the May Newsletter ...

  • A message from our Chair.
  • A Review of M&DPS activities - April was a very busy month.
  • Club Dates For Your Diary
  • PDI Comp The Colour Blue
  • Field Trip:- Canary Wharf
  • Image Of The Year and the AGM.
  • Results of the two External Competitions we have entered last month.
  • Other local events
13:34, 06 May 2024 by Pat Ainger


Use the calendar or list of months to view entries made on those dates.

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