PDI Competition - Open Mono
Judge – Chrissy Hart
Entry deadline Friday 24th January
PDI Competition Rules
Projected Digital Image (PDI) Rules
1. All images to be saved in the following format:
- Colour space - sRGB
- File format - jpeg saved at its finest setting
- Name file as “image name - photographer name” i.e. Pink Rose - Dick Barton
- Image size must be a maximum of 1600 pixels wide or 1200 pixels high.
- Portrait images are a maximum of 1200 pixels high
2. Two PDIs maximum per member, per competition.
3. Images should be sent to the PDI secretary no later than the Friday prior to the day of competition.
4. PDI secretary can be contacted via email (Kevin Cannings, photo.madps@gmail.com )
If you have any queries relating to your competition entries, please contact the Competition Secretary