all the plaques were refurbished by local volunteers lead by Mike Cussans, with help from F&M coatings who sandblasted the plaques and powder coated them blue |
43 BERRY LANE formerly site of Bond Minicars and Old Fire Station |
CLUB ROW Higher Road Weavers Cottage ,important part of Building Society History |
Co-operative Building Berry Lane , once had a ballroom upstairs,now shops at ground level +flats |
Crampoaks Mill, Berry Lane , once a Cotton Mill and Weaving shed , now Booths Grocery Store. |
Fell End, originally site of a boys school, now William Haughton Funerals, |
Longridge Quarries, once employed over 400men, now a caravan /holiday park |
Market Place ,once handloom weaving centre, music hall, skating ring and now The Palace Cinema. |
Longridge Methodist Church ,Berry Lane, formerly Wesleyan Methodist Chapel now a business premises |

New Town Doctors Row , Preston Road, cottages for nail makers , weavers , and shops |
Old Station Building, converted into Heritage Centre and Old Station Cafe |

Quarrymans Arms , Higher Road, became Paul Heathcotes Restaurant, Thai Restaurant and now a nursery |
St Lawrence's Church , Lower Lane , origins of the church going back to the 1500's |
St Wilfrid's Church, plaque at St Wilfrid's terrace off Derby Road |
Stone Bridge , at Stonebridge Roundabout , the bridge over the railway line built in 1847 |
The Townley Arms , Berry Lane , originally known as The Station Hotel |
2023 Blue Plaque Team lead by- Mike Cussans :