Longridge & District Local History Society  
 Berry Lane Railway Crossing  
Our meetings Programme has now been updated to include meetings up to June 2025  

Thursday 12th December @7.30pm  "Brilliantly Brutal, a new look at Preston Bus Station

Michael Akers

What should we make of Preston's extraordinary bus station? For decades it's been derided by critics as an oversized, bleak, and increasingly redundant concrete monstosity.

Conversely , it's lauded by admirers as ambitious, innovative and exciting. Local historian Michael Akers will look at why it's so big, why it's unique, how it came close to being demolished and how it was saved.

Utopian or dystopian, love it or hate it, it's definitely time to take anothe look at this intriguing building. His talk is entitled 

****  Brilliantly Brutal, a new look at Preston Bus Station ****


Preston Brutal Car Park ?

This talks promises to be very interesting and starts at 7.30pm  

                Our meetings are held in St Paul's Church Centenary Room ( off Berry Lane )

PR3 3WA for your sat nav, ample car parking at side of St Pauls

              Visitors are most welcome with complimentary tea / coffee served after the talks.  

                          Annual subscription for the 2024/25 programme is £15 and visitor admission is £3 

Our Society was founded on Tuesday 14th April 1970  
  when Harold Wilson was our Prime Minister and Richard Nixon was President of the USA  
also Sir Francis Fenwick Pearson was Member of Parliament for Clitheroe Constituency