** in the Centenary Room in St Pauls Church,Church Street off Berry Lane PR3 3WA**
Visitors are most welcome, Complimentary tea / coffee is served after the talks
Annual subscription is £15 , otherwise visitor admission is £3.
All dates are on the 3rd Thursday of the month except for the December and April meetings which are on the 2nd Thursday
19 September | Ian Tyler | The Drowning of Mardale by Haweswater |
17 October | Dr Jan Graffius | History of Stonyhurst College and Collections |
21 November | Dr Chris Tinmouth | The impact of the Great Raid of 1322 upon Lancaster and Preston |
12 December | Michael Akers | 'Brilliantly Brutal , a new look at Preston Bus Station' |
16 January 2025 | Dr Graham Cooper | "Tenters in the Landscape: A Remarkable History " |
20 February | Dr Chris Topping | Local Friendly Societies in Longridge 1780 to 1835 |
20 March | Clive Spencer | .**** AGM at 7.00 followed by "Gawthorpe Hall and the Shuttleworths" |
10 April | Isabel Holt | Cultivating Space:Women's Careers In Horticulture in the late 19th and early 20th Century |
15 May | Paul Hindle | Turnpikes and Maps in the North West |
19 June | Patricia Harrison | Extraordinary Women of Winckley Square |