The Leith Hill Action Group (LHAG) and its supporters are celebrating the news that the planning inspector who presided over the recent public inquiry has dismissed Europa Oil and Gas’ appeal. The appeal was lodged in December 2011 against Surrey County Council’s decision to refuse planning application for an exploratory hydrocarbon drilling operation at Bury Hill Wood, just off Coldharbour Lane and within the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).
After Europa lodged its appeal in December 2011, LHAG made the significant decision to apply for, and was granted, Rule 6 Status which enabled it to play a full role at the inquiry employing its own barrister and technical experts. LHAG’s arguments focused predominantly on the fact that Europa’s planning application consituted inappropriate development within Green Belt and the AONB and the significant impact it would have on local businesses and residents in Knoll Road, Coldharbour Lane and Coldharbour itself.
Peter Tindall, Chairman of LHAG, explains:
“We are delighted with the planning inspector’s decision as we have always maintained that this application is totally inappropriate and flies in the face of national planning policy. The argument has always focused on the need for development weighed against the harm it would cause. Planning policy makes it very clear that development can only be allowed in the Green Belt and AONB if very special circumstances exist and if they clearly outweigh any harm.
The inspector noted the uncertainty of whether hydrocarbons would actually even be discovered and the relatively small scale of the estimated resource. He also found that material harm would be caused to the AONB, especially with regard to visual impact, recreational amenity and the effect on its character, including the quality of tranquillity experienced around the site.
This decision sends out a very clear message much further afield than the Surrey Hills. We hope it will set a precedent for all areas of outstanding natural beauty that must be protected against inappropriate development and preserved for future generations to enjoy.
LHAG could not have fought this application for over three and a half years without the support and generosity of literally thousands of people and organisations. They have given us financial support as well as unbelieve amounts of time and effort. As always in situations like this it is impossible to name everyone but they all know who they are.
Europa has challenged the decision in the High Court, on the basis of three specific legal points. These can be found in the Documents section of this website. The High Court will hear the challenge on the 23rd and 24th July 2013.