Unite-Community planning meeting, Black Horse, Preston, 6:30pm, Tuesday, 2nd December

Tuesday 02 December 2014
18:30 to 20:30

We'd be very grateful if you could draw the attention of actual and potential members of Unite-Community to the planning meeting we will be having in the Black Horse, in Preston, at 6:30pm, on Tuesday, 2nd December (there is disabled access via the Orchard Street entrance and coffee and tea are available). Existing Reps will be coming along to provide advise and expertise and any interested Reps or activists will be made welcome. We are not looking to recruit members of existing workplace branches - we want to recruit new members to the union from the many disabled, retired and unemployed citizens in our area. Feel free to give my contact details to anyone interested in helping us build Unite-Community in Preston.Dave Savage, Unite-Community, Preston, Email: davsav29@live.co.uk