Those present: Cllr. Vicky Anfilogoff (In the chair), Irene, Allen, Katherine Palmer, John Clemo, Jenny Clemo (Clerk) and five residents.


1.  Minutes of the last Annual Meeting – 12th May 2015

The minutes were read out by the Chairman, agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.


2.  Matters Arising.



3.  Chairman’s Report.

Cllr. Anfilogoff noted that items and projects pursued by the Parish Council are somewhat slow to come to fruition and at times, can take the whole four year term or more to reach a conclusion or outcome.

a) Flooding outside the Old School House in Ulting – ECC are looking into this long term problem and will make recommendations to Maldon District Council.  The Parish Council is waiting to hear the outcome.

b) Speed Indicator Device – The device by the old salt heap layby on the B1019, has been replaced.

c) Neighbourhood Plan – Subsequent to Maldon District Council receiving the examiner’s report, a meeting was held with officers, the two ward councillors and the planning consultant.  Work has commenced working on revisions to the original document and another grant has been secured which will allow the Parish Council to complete the process.

d) Planning applications – Parish Council meetings are now monthly to enable the council to respond within 28 days.  Applications received after the agenda deadline trigger an Extraordinary Parish Council meeting.

e) Oval Park – The decision on the appeal has not yet been received.

The Chairman thanked fellow Councillors for their hard work, dedication and commitment over the past year.  She also thanked the clerk who is diligent beyond the call of duty and works way beyond her paid time as a Parish Clerk, a position she has held for twenty five plus years.   We would be quite lost without her expertise and knowledge of process and procedure and the wealth of experience she has accumulated over such a long time.

Finally, the Chairman thanked District Councillors Bass and Durham for their help, support and advice over the past year which has been invaluable.


4.  Items from parishioners.

a) Flooding at Old School – It was noted that the pipes under the road had been rodded approximately six months ago.

b) Flood at Brook Cottage – A parishioner thanked the clerk for persevering and eventually getting this sorted out.

c) Middlefields Barn decision – It was noted that the Parish Council had not received a satisfactory explanation from Maldon District Council and this would be followed up at the Planning Training Event in June.

d) Bend signs before Bumfords Lane junction - A resident suggested that this could reduce the speed of traffic along Crouchmans Farm Road.  It was noted that traffic should drive at speeds appropriate to the conditions.

John Tomlins thanked the Parish Council and clerk for all of the work they do in the Parish.


There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.03pm.


Signed:                                                 Chairman                          Date: