Present:                       Councillors: Vicky Anfilogoff, Irene Allen, Colin Ashby and John Clemo.

In the Chair:                Councillor Vicky Anfilogoff

Clerk:                          Jenny Clemo

Also present:               One member of the public



16/36. Apologies for absence

Apologies received from Cllr. Palmer and District Cllrs. Bass and Durham.


16/37. Minutes of the previous meetings

The minutes of 16th February 2016 having been previously circulated were taken as read, agreed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


16/38. Declarations of Interest

No interests declared.


16/39. Matters for information from previous meetings

16/13a) Broken drain – Cllr. Allen confirmed that the drain had been repaired. Payment of the cheque to Maldon District Council, held over from the previous meeting was authorised.

16/13b) Grasscutting – Clerk to contact Maldon District Council regarding cost of cutting Ulting churchyard only. Clerk to check if first cut is to be carried out at Langford churchyard before the end of March.

15/197. Path at Ulting Lane Green – Cllr. Anfilogoff had received confirmation from Northumbrian Water Estates department that ownership of the path was retained by the Water Company. Clerk to send photographs of the damaged areas.

16/30. Meet the Councillors – Cllr. Allen reported on the discussions about the Local Development Plan status, Neighbourhood Planning, grasscutting, speeding and planning matters.


16/40. District Councillors report

No report received.


16/41. Public Question Time

Not required.


16/42. Planning Matters

a) Planning applications received.

HOUSE/MAL/16/00087 – Demolish existing pre-cast concrete garage and replace with timber framed Essex barn design building with a room in the roof and joined to an earlier extension to the cottages by an oak framed glass link. 2, Church Cottages, Witham Road, Langford.

LBC/MAL/16/00114 – Demolish existing pre-cast concrete garage and replace with timber framed Essex barn design building with a room in the roof and joined to an earlier extension to the cottages by an oak framed glass link. To provide a downstairs shower/toilet and storage area and an upstairs bedroom. 2, Church Cottages, Witham Road, Langford. It was agreed that the applications above would be supported as the extension to the listed building improved the accommodation available for a family as their children grew.

LBC/MAL/16/00115 – Removal of existing single glazing for all windows. Replace with 12mm slim line units, designed for listed buildings, making necessary alterations to the rebate depths to accommodate slim line units and fitting a triangle bead to hold units in place which will look like a ‘putty’ finish. 2, Church Cottages, Witham Road, Langford. It was agreed that the application would be supported as the proposal did not affect the external appearance of the building.

TCA/MAL/16/00165 – Removal of T1 and T2 Oak trees adjacent to public footpath and the Old Post Office. Church Cottages, Crouchmans Farm Road, Ulting. No comment made.

b) Planning decisions received.

HoUSE/MAL/15/01303 – Remove existing conservatory and replace with two storey side extension at Hillcrest, Crouchmans Farm Road, Ulting was approved.

c) Notification of appeal received.

FUL/MAL/15/00738 and APP/X1545/16/3142975 – Proposed outbuilding for storage of historic motor vehicles including change of use to class B8. Land adjacent Orchard Cottage, Hatfield Road, Langford.


16/43. Correspondence

a) Essex County Council Highways – temporary closures of roads and associated diversions for pre-surface patching works and resurfacing in the area were noted.

b) Bat Willows – Notification of extension of planting on south side of Ulting Lane on Carter & Ward land was noted.

c) Maldon Tourist Information Centre – Invitation to Free Breakfast Drop-In, 8am – 9.30am at Blackwater Sailing Club was noted.

Other correspondence:

  • Dengie Rocks against Dementia – 19th March, 12 – 8pm at The Quay, Burnham-on-Crouch,


16/44. Finance

a) The following payments were authorised:-







Charisma Spatial Planning Ltd




Neighbourhood Plan support





Streeetlight electricity (Direct Debit)

A&J Lighting Solutions Ltd




Streetlight maintenance (Direct Debit)

Mrs. J. Clemo




Clerk’s salary

Mrs. J. Clemo




Clerk’s expenses (Jan – Mar 2016)


b) VAT Return – It was noted that the clerk had submitted the annual VAT Return. VAT reclaim for the period 1st February 2015 to 31st January 2016 was £1120.34.

c) Barclays Bank – It was noted that the Business Saver account has been changed to Business Premium Account.


16/45. Neighbourhood Plan Update

Cllr. Anfilogoff reported that the examiner had requested a fact finding meeting with Maldon District Council officers and councillors and the Parish Council. Cllrs. Anfilogoff and Allen and the clerk had attended. Ann Skippers had advised on the responses to the questions asked. The examiner said that he would complete his report on the Neighbourhood Plan by the end of March.


16/46. Emergency Plan

a) Cllr. Ashby reported on the contents of the yellow box. Contact telephone numbers need updating and volunteers to run a Rest Centre in the village hall are needed.

b) It was agreed that Cllr. Ashby would co-ordinate the above information and pass details to the Community Safety Officer.


16/47. Lower Thames Crossing Route Consultation

It was agreed that the Parish Council would support Route 2 as it had less impact on the countryside and there would be less space for infill development. Clerk to respond.


16/48. Dengie Bus Service Network Review Consultation February 2016

It was agreed that no response would be submitted as the Dengie Dart would not be affected.


16/49. Transparency Code

a) It was agreed that the clerk would purchase a Brother 1910W mono multifunction laser printer at a cost of £69 +VAT to enable compliance with the Transparency Code requirements. In comparison, similar printers cost:

Samsung M20270 £91.97 + VAT

Dell 210 £100.83 + VAT

b) To note clerk had applied for a grant of £175.78.


16/50 Procedure for determining permitted development under Class Q

It was agreed that the Parish Council was not satisfied with the response received from Maldon District Council. After some discussion about the options available, it was decided to discuss this at the Planning Training session provisionally being organised for May or June.


16/51. Langford Churchyard Fence

a) It was noted that the contractor had failed to meet the clerk at the church on 26th February as arranged. Subsequent phone calls had not been answered. The clerk had emailed and written to him and no response had been received. It was agreed that the contractor had no intention of completing the work.

b) It was agreed that the companies previously approached would be asked to quote again and a further quotation from J. Oddy Fencing would also be sought.

c) Cllr. Ashby reported that he would supply the materials required free of charge and to make up the panels etc would cost approximately £3,660. It was noted that the Parish Council budget was a maximum of £2,500.


16/52. Essex Life Community Magazines Award

It was agreed that Cllr. Allen would enter the newsletter.


16/53. Items from the councillors (NEXT AGENDA ITEMS ONLY)


16/54. Date of next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 19th April 2016 at Langford & Ulting Village Hall following the Langford Parish Meeting.


The meeting closed at 10.15pm.



Signed:                                                            (Chairman)                  Date: