Those present: Cllr. Vicky Anfilogoff (In the chair), Irene Allen, Vicky Anfilogoff, Katherine Palmer, John Clemo, Jenny Clemo (Clerk) and three members of the public.  Apologies received from District Cllrs. Mark Durham and Henry Bass.


1.  Minutes of the last Annual Meeting – 14th April 2015

The minutes were read out by the Chairman, agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.


2.  Matters Arising.

There were no matters arising.


3.  Chairman’s Report.

Cllr. Anfilogoff noted that items and projects pursued by the Parish Council are often somewhat slow to come to fruition and at times, can take the whole four year term of office or more, to reach a conclusion or outcome.

a) Deep ditch either side of John Thresh Way – Northumbrian Water Ltd had confirmed that the ditches are their responsibility.   Following this, they undertook clearance of the undergrowth choking the ditch and remedial work within the ditch to minimise the possibility of flooding.

b) John Thresh Way - The first houses have been completed and several are sold.  This has substantially changed the look of the central part of the village being of a much closer grain and the extant planning permission was instrumental in the Parish Council seeking to enlarge the proposed settlement boundary in the Neighbourhood Plan.

c) New houses adjacent to Langford Lea – Both houses are now occupied but the landscaping around them is still in a raw state.  It will be interesting to see how this softens their impact and makes them part of the village scene as time goes on.

d) Streetlight opposite Langford Lea – This was removed when the electricity supply was not reconnected to the new telegraph pole.  The Parish Council did not have sufficient funds to pay for reconnection although there may be a possibility of having it replaced as part of an S106 agreement arising from the building of the new North Heybridge Garden Suburb.

e) Path at Ulting Lane green - It was finally established that Northumbrian Water Ltd retained responsibility for the path.  The Parish Council is concerned that some residents are still driving over the path/grass which contributes to the damage to the path.

f) 30mph through Langford village – The Parish Council continues to pursue this matter possibly as a S106 agreement with future development at North Heybridge Garden Suburb or Oval Park.

g) Neighbourhood Plan -The examiner’s report had just been received and further discussions with Maldon District Council will ensue.

h) Planning applications – Parish Council meetings are now monthly to enable the council to respond within 28 days.  Applications received after the agenda deadline trigger an Extraordinary Parish Council meeting.

i) Oval Park – The decision on the appeal has not yet been received.

Finally the Chairman thanked fellow councillors and the clerk for their hard work, dedication and commitment over the past year and District councillors Bass and Durham for their help, support and advice over the past year which has been invaluable.


4.  Items from parishioners.

a) 30mph speed limit – A parishioner asked whether there had been any progress.

b) White line on bridge – A parishioner thanked the Parish Council for notifying Highways.

c) Minutes – A parishioner thanked the clerk for showing him the minutes that he had written from 1956 – 1974 when he was the clerk.


There being no other business the meeting closed at 7.55pm.


Signed:                                                 Chairman                          Date: