Present: Councillors: Vicky Anfilogoff, Irene Allen, Kathy Palmer, Colin Ashby and John Clemo
In the Chair: Councillor Vicky Anfilogoff
Clerk: Jenny Clemo
Also present: District Cllr. Bass.
16/104. Apologies for absence
Apologies received from District Cllr. Durham.
16/105. Minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes of 17th May 2016 having been previously circulated were taken as read, agreed and signed by the Chairman.
16/106. Declarations of Interest
No interests declared.
16/107. Matters for information from previous meetings
15/197. Path at Ulting Lane Green – Item carried forward.
16/193d) Maldon District Council Planning Training Event – Postponed due to lack of support.
16/195d) Internal Audit – The Chairman had received a letter from Mr. Spooner confirming that he had completed the 2015/16 internal audit review and that the procedures in place provide an acceptable standard of control. No formal recommendations from the internal audit work carried out were made.
16/108. District Councillor’s report
- Enforcement action – This is a slow process but currently two locations in Langford are being investigated.
- Local Development Plan – The additional information requested by the Inspector has been supplied as per the timetable.
- New Waste Contract – There have been some teething problems but there has been a marked increase in food waste recycling.
- St Cedd’s building – This is due to be demolished this month.
16/109. Public Question Time (limited to 15 minutes if required).
- A resident reported that the drain outside the Old School, Ulting had been rodded by a neighbour and this had resolved the flooding problem.
16/110. Planning Matters
a) Planning applications received:
COUPA/MAL/16/00552 - Notification for prior approval for a proposed change of use of agricultural building to a dwellinghouse, Barn Field End Crouchmans Farm Road Ulting was supported.
FUL/MAL/15/01195 - Temporary planning permission to site a mobile home within the site during renovation of property, The Homestead Maldon Road Langford Essex was supported with the proviso that permission would be given for a maximum of 18 months and that the building must be removed after that period.
b) Planning decisions received:
COUPA/MAL/16/00463 – Prior notification of a proposed change of use for an agricultural building to a dwellinghouse and associated operational development. Drylands Nursery, Crouchmans Farm Road, Ulting was refused.
HOUSE/MAL/16/00435 - Extend & remodel existing bungalow. (Re-submission), The Spinney Langford Road Langford Essex was allowed.
FUL/MAL/15/00738 (Appeal Ref: APP/X1545/W/16/3142975) - Proposed outbuilding for storage of historic motor vehicles including change of use to class B8, Land Adjacent Orchard Cottage, Hatfield Road, Langford. The appeal was dismissed.
16/111. Correspondence
a) Braintree Local Development Plan – Exhibition to be held at Scout and Guide HQ, Church Road, Hatfield Peverel on 21st July from 2.30pm until 7.30pm was noted.
b) Essex Superfast Broadband – Parish Engagement Event to be held on 13th July at Essex Records Office from 7.00pm until 9.00pm. Cllrs. Anfilogoff, Allen and Palmer indicated that they would try to attend.
c) Essex County Council Highways – Temporary Prohibition of Traffic Order Notice received for the following roads in the parish: Maldon Road and Hatfield Road, Langford and Church Road, Ulting.
16/112. Finance
a) The following payments were authorised:-
Net |
Gross |
Mrs. J. Clemo |
£652.13 |
£652.13 |
Clerk’s salary including Transparency Code additional hours 2015/16 |
Mr. C. Ashby |
£33.54 |
£6.71 |
£40.25 |
Langford churchyard petrol |
Mr. N. Spooner |
£75.00 |
£75.00 |
Internal Audit fee |
b) The following direct debit payments were confirmed:-
Net |
Gross |
e.on |
£25.96 |
£1.30 |
£27.26 |
Streetlight electricity |
A&J Lighting Solutions Ltd |
£19.25 |
£3.85 |
£23.10 |
Streetlight maintenance |
c) Bank Reconciliation – The bank reconciliation for 30th April 2016 had been checked and agreed by Cllr. Palmer.
16/113. Neighbourhood Plan
Cllr. Anfilogoff reported that subsequent to the meeting with Maldon District Council officers and our two District Councillors in April, where all parties were given tasks to complete, the only outstanding issues concern the legal advice regarding the options on the housing policy and confirmation that the items the Parish Council had prepared were satisfactory. Cllr. Bass agreed that he would look into this.
16/114. Where does Water Go? Project
Cllr. Allen confirmed that a request for volunteers had been included in the next newsletter.
16/115. Streetlight Electricity
a) An increase in the e.on Deemed Contract rates from 12.40p/kWh to 14.40p/kWh from 1st July 2016 was noted.
b) It was agreed that the clerk would contact e.on to find out whether switching to a fixed-term contract would save money.
16/116. Langford Churchyard Fence
Cllr. Ashby reported that the fence is due to be repaired on either the 4th or 9th July.
16/117. Items from the councillors (NEXT AGENDA ITEMS ONLY)
- Middlefields – Residents had reported that a large number of trees had been removed. Maldon District Council’s tree officer had been notified.
- Hatfield Road ditch – Clearance and fence repair required.
- Cllr. Allen – quotations for printing newsletter.
16/118. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 19th July 2016 at Langford & Ulting Village Hall.
The meeting closed at 8.55pm.
Signed: (Chairman) Date: