Present:                       Councillors: Vicky Anfilogoff, Irene Allen, Kathy Palmer and John Clemo

In the Chair:                Councillor Vicky Anfilogoff

Clerk:                          Jenny Clemo

Also present:               District Cllr. Bass and three members of the public.


16/119. Apologies for absence

Apologies received from District Cllr. Durham.


16/120. Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of 21st June 2016 having been previously circulated were taken as read, agreed and signed by the Chairman.


16/121. Declarations of Interest

No interests declared.


16/122. Matters for information from previous meetings

15/197. Path at Ulting Lane Green – Item carried forward.

16/111b) Essex Superfast Broadband – Parish Engagement Event – Cllrs. Anfilogoff and Allen had attended. It was noted that Langford is not included in the programme. This is because residents have not registered an interest. Box 6 which serves Ulting is due to be upgraded by July 2017. Cllr. Anfilogoff to email Superfast Essex with information gathered for the Neighbourhood Plan and circulate postcards to encourage Langford residents to respond.

16/116. Langford Churchyard fence – It was noted that the fence had been repaired.


16/123. District Councillors report

  • Refuse and recycling – It was noted that the new contract was a success. Recycling volumes had increased and residual rubbish had decreased.
  • Crazy Golf – Opens 28th July at the Prom.
  • Maldon Car Show – The event had been very successful


16/124. Public Question Time

  • Oval Park planning appeal – Not decided as yet.
  • Middlefield Barn – Cllr. Bass had asked the Planning department to respond again. Cllr. Anfilogoff thanked him for pursuing this matter on behalf of the Parish Council.


16/125. Planning Matters

a) Planning applications received:

FUL/MAL/16/00614 - New storage barn. Fairwinds Poultry Farm, Crouchmans Farm Road, Ulting. The Parish Council agreed to support this application.

HOUSE/MAL/16/00660 - Erecting a garage/machine barn on a concrete base for the storage of gardening and equestrian equipment. The building will be 9m square and will require an eave height of 3.2m and a ridge height of 4.4m (roof pitch 15deg) to accommodate a horse box. The Grove, Ashfield Farm Road, Ulting. The Parish Council agreed to recommend refusal because the barn would be intrusive into the rural landscape, the building materials are unsympathetic for its rural location and the building is very large and therefore disproportionate to the other buildings on the site.

b) Planning decisions received:

COUPA/MAL/16/00552 - Notification for prior approval for a proposed change of use of agricultural building to a dwellinghouse, Barn at Field End, Crouchmans Farm Road was refused.

c) Notification of appeals:

COUPA/MAL/16/00225 -Notification for prior approval for a proposed change of use of a goat pen to a one bedroom dwelling. The Paddock, Ulting Lane, Ulting.

COUPA/MAL/16/00227 - Conversion of existing chicken coop to a one bedroom dwelling. The Paddock, Ulting Lane, Ulting.


16/126. Correspondence

a) Braintree Local Development Plan – Exhibition to be held at Scout and Guide HQ, Church Road, Hatfield Peverel on 21st July from 2.30pm until 7.30pm.  Documents can be inspected at:  and responses are required by 19th August. It was agreed that councillors would look at the draft plan and bring any comments to the next Parish Council meeting.

b) EALC/ECC Conference and EALC AGM to be held on 22nd September 2016, Foakes Memorial Hall, Great Dunmow at 12.30pm. It was agreed that Cllr. Anfilogoff would attend.

c) Essex County Council Highways – Temporary Prohibition of Traffic Order Notice received for the following road in the parish: Maldon Road, Ulting was noted.

d) Mill Gates – Advance notification that the Environment Agency will no longer continue to operate and maintain or assist to operate mill gates received. Responsibility for the maintenance and operation (including water level control) lies with the riparian owner. See ‘Living on the Edge’

e) Private Pumping Stations Campaign – From October 2016 Anglian Water will take over the responsibility for many private pumping stations. Any parishioner with a private pumping station should go to:

f) Essex Development Management Policies Review 2016 – See: It was noted that Maldon Road/Hatfield Road is a Priority Route 1 and Witham Road and Maypole Road are Priority Route 2.


16/127. Finance

a) The following payments were authorised:-






Mr. C. Ashby




Langford churchyard petrol





Annual subscription


b) The following direct debit payments were confirmed:-










Streetlight electricity

A&J Lighting Solutions Ltd




Streetlight maintenance

A&J Lighting Solutions Ltd




Annual maintenance visit

c) It was noted that A & J Lighting Solutions Ltd. had indicated that streetlight 9006, outside Mill Cottage had reached the end of its life and was unrepairable. It was agreed that the clerk would ask Andy to put the spare streetlight from opposite Langford Lee when the annual maintenance is carried out next year.

d) Interest received of £1.76 for 3 months to 5th June 2016 was noted.

e) Bank Reconciliation – The bank reconciliation for 31st May 2016 had been checked and agreed by Cllr. Palmer.

f) Summary Accounts three months to 30th June 2016 were circulated to councillors.


16/128. Neighbourhood Plan

Cllr. Anfilogoff reported that Maldon District Council had obtained legal advice on the three options from the council’s solicitor. The next step is to arrange a meeting with Maldon District Council to discuss these.


16/129. Streetlight Electricity

It was noted that the clerk had contacted e.on and a viable fixed term contract required usage of over 20,000kwh. The streetlights use substantially less - 3,255.90kwh per annum. It was agreed that the Parish Council would continue to use e.on as their supplier.


16/130. Flooding – Old School, Ulting

Correspondence from a resident regarding several recent flooding incidents was noted. This location is on the Local Highways Panel Approved Works Programme (March 2016) and a drainage engineer is now progressing a scheme.


16/131. Newsletter

Quotations received were considered. It was noted that the quotation from Fuller Davies was not comparable and it was agreed that the Parish Council would use Lavenham Press for the Summer newsletter at a cost of £320.00. It was agreed that a cheque for £320.00 to Lavenham Press should be raised and ratified at the next meeting.


16/132. Ditch – Hatfield Road

A complaint from a resident regarding the ditch adjacent to John Thresh Way was noted. It was agreed that Cllr. Anfilogoff would contact Mr. Alborough.


16/133. Fairwinds and Wick Woods

The removal of a large number of trees on land adjacent to Middlefield Barn was noted. The felling that had taken place was marginally over the limit for quarterly felling without having first obtained a licence from the Forestry Commission.


16/134. Items from the councillors (NEXT AGENDA ITEMS ONLY)

  • Newsletter shortlisted – Cllr. Allen had entered the newsletter into the 2015 Essex Life Community Magazine Awards.


16/135. Date of next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 16th August 2016 at Langford & Ulting Village Hall.


The meeting closed at 9pm.


Signed:                                               (Chairman)               Date: